archived 08-21-00
Archive file# b082100b
donated by L. Savage
Is Jesus Lucifer and the Devil?
Jesus = Lucifer = THE Devil
That the christian bible is the composition of Lucifer, the fallen
rebel archangel and Devil supreme, is scientifically proved in
these volumes.
The Ancient Mother Series
We address you with this message transmitting the news that a
series of new books titled as 'The Ancient Mother Series' of which
Ancient Mother I & II are out. The term is used in a universal
sense and beyond all considerations of race, language, history
or sect. The series as a whole will be culminative. At the same
time, each volume will be practically self-contained in it's particular
field, as outlined in the individual title.
A perceptional canvas at once enormous and unique for its envelopment
of time in all fullness and for its sweep of the East and West
and of rest of mankind has been starkly unfolded by those concepts
and findings. From that vantage point, it is indeed possible,
almost automatic with the aid of impeccable logic, to externalise
and integrate experience in its totality and comprehend the whole
of existence, in all of its range and depth, in a totally integrative
and indissolubly wholesome manner.
The question of the real identity of christianity has ever remained
unresolved. Nevertheless, historical christianity typified by
the catholic christianity has always disturbed man by reason of
its unrelieved record. Karl Marx was fully aware of that record.
So was J.J. Rousseau, from a different angle when he said "Man
is totally good and that in consequence he has nothing to fear
from himself". So too was Robert Ingersoll when asking: Of
what use has christianity been to man. These two books and others
to follow resolve that question, fundamentally and finally, at
christianity's very source - the being self-named jesus who is
proved herein from neutral as well as parallel systems of knowledge
to be in reality the alter ego of Lucifer operating from under
a rebellious cloak of goodness.
As the authors establish therein from its own sources, both prophetic
and historical, the termination of christianity is automatic from
positive knowledge of its real identity. By reason of its rebellious
identity and its simultaneous subterranean and transterrestrial
basis the action of christianity on consciousness has been at
the same time schizophrenic and universal. This has caused a colossal
sapping of energy at all levels and the formation of a diseased
consciousness expressing itself as an overpowering sadness in
the representative types of the race, both in the East and West.
It is hoped that the Ancient Mother series of continuous titles
will contribute towards the elimination from consciousness through
correct knowledge of the phenomenal affectation of which their
pages treat.
Having the honour on our part to be the publisher, we have deemed
it incumbent therefore to bring the knowledge proved and summated
in these books, globally to consciousness if even by taking the
liberty of passing it by way of Internet before important dignitaries.
The Ancient Mother - I
The Key to the bible
ISBN 3-9520446-1-X
The christian bible, according to authors Leo Panakal and Vinodh
Kumar, is nothing less than a malignant fraud that went undetected
for two thousand years.
The bible comprises the self-expression of Lucifer, the fallen
rebel archangel and Devil supreme, who affects himself in it as
the christian god, a conscious parody of Easwara of the
Sanskrit scriptures.
By analytically assessing the actual worth of the bible book,
the authors free mankind from the fetters of guilt, or sin, instituted
by christianity.
A cathartic and closely-reasoned work, The Key to the bible,
together with its peer The Judgement on christianity,
will leave christians aghast over the enormous fraud of their
scripture, a fraud conceived by Lucifer, initiated by jehovah-god,
and finalised by jesus as the alter ego of Lucifer.
«A cathartic and historically controversial work»
- Vantage Press, New York
From the autonomic thrust of his very entity as undifferentiated
rebel against the reality of his gravitational fall from goodness,
Lucifer is compulsively bound to reality, and hence bound also
to delineate himself - rebelliously, unabashedly, totally, uniquely,
and once and for all - in terms of a non-dual rebellion against
goodness. A book recording that kind of delineation will, by its
very nature, singularly carry the self-expression of his TOTAL
beinghood as rebel against goodness, THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE BEING
Chapter - II
Systems and Positions
The fundamental christian constituent being posited as rebellion,
it presupposes the prior existence of a reality against which
it is so constituted, since rebellion cannot come to be in absence
of such a reality. Comprehensively, the entire christian position
is based upon, and structured from, ban on knowledge under phobia
of racial extinction, and a redeemer from the consequences of
violation of the ban. Since our postulate should hold under all
conditions, including the above posited basic constituent, it
would be necessary and sufficient to prove the rebellion internally
as a cyclical rebellion that envelops even the self-vindicative
basic constituent. That christianity is such a rebellion is proved
from the original rebellion against the ban on knowledge from
its being specified as "knowledge of good and bad" -
exudative of the foundational notion of original sin - which is
itself reduced by its certified commentators back to the original
rebellion against knowledge as such.
Lucifer has generated the different versions and spread out the
capsuled variants that conceal, and/or rebelliously envelop, the
identity in such design, the design itself being mandatorily dictated
by the conscious id of his personality as cyclical rebel,
that independently none of them, barring one lone exception, (See
Knox bible, p.3) would yield data sufficient by itself
to finally wrap up the exposition of the Luciferian identity,
whereas all of them together (and put together positvely by man)
reveals the same in a conclusive manner that not only individually
explains logically, interrelatedly and wholesomely, all the various
links present but also binds them all together with a single thread,
which is nothing but the same identity.
Chapter - III
Phenomenon of Man & The Brick in the wall
The word good is only derived from the Sanskrit
root "gadh." This would demonstrate, once again, that
the concept of goodness originates and subsists independently
of the bible book and christianity. Further, the charts drawn
in the bible book of the original condition prior to the "original
sin" are an orchestration of this reality. The account issues
all the same from the original sin of the subterranean narrator
himself and a preponderant drive to collocate it to man by infusing
an imaginary guilt into his consciousness through Cain - which
is simultaneously turned into sin by mutual genetic inversion
in other versions of the same text of Cain's words purportedly
spoken to Lucifer. (See Knox bible). As to the professions
of the christian original condition, they are contradicted by
acknowledgement of the existence and activity of the serpent in
that very condition and the admission at the end of the whole
book that the same serpent had been right there all the way from
the "primal age."(See Knox bible, p.274).
("Spirit" is defined as "an often malevolent being
that is bodiless but can become visible." - Merriam Webster.
The three attributes are accurately discerned in the being
that got itself invited at noontime to Abraham's dwelling, there
to malevolently effectuate fornication of his aged wife with suggestions
that contrive to summon up her memories. The being is designated
at one moment as "they," in plural ["They
asked, Where is thy wife Sara?" (sic) - genesis 18:9,
Knox bible]; in the next moment, the same apparently
distinct beings objectify as "he," in the singular ["I
will come back said he who was speaking to him" -
ibid., 18:10], demonstrating it bodiless in both instances.
The other symptom, of his visiblity, is attested by the narrative,
where it says that Abraham "looked up and saw three men standing
near him," ibid., 18:2; the same spectacle is elsewhere
further represented as "a vision of the lord.")
Chapter - IV
The Substratum
Again the substratum exposes the true nature of the "mystical
body" as a composite of pseudo-God and pseudo-Man. Jesus
is neither Man nor God. Man is the "one who reflects,"
and God is the "perfection of goodness." But jesus,
as revealed by the biblical substratum of his real identity, is
a malevolent spirit possessing a motivation to usurp the realm
of reason and of truth, and hence of salvation.
The whole endeavor of christianity as indubitably announced by
its champion is the "overturning" of reasoning directed
toward the correct identification of its source-being as Lucifer.
Taking his cue from the latter, Paul accurately articulates the
received word in postmariological time. Boldly now he narrows
it down to reasoning per se. Boldly again but meticulously
he announces that "we are overturning reasonings."
Since reasoning is the line that demarcates man from animal, christianity
is seen to be a system for degeneration of man through retroversion
of this demarcation.
Chapter V
Origination of Evil and Doom of Sin
The words are uttered by, and occur solely and exclusively in,
the consciousness of jehovah. And therefore, there has not been
at all any origin nor movement of sin heretofore in any consciousness
other than this one.
The alleged disobedience charged by Paul will not make any kind
of sin since the primary condition of disobedience,
expressed refusal to obey, is not satisfied, pre-cast
as Adam is in a muted role as of then in Lucifer's consciousness.
As for the aspect of disobedience, viz.,neglect,
the charge is disproved under "discovery," the same
protagonist having withheld by malidentification the pertinent
data of the existence of the serpent.
The genes of murder, war-making, adultery and theft are all genes
latterly interpolated into consciousness and then deliberately
brought within the sphere of the attributed acts of man described
in the book - attributed to man by rebellious commandments proffered
after the event, turning the human psyche in the process into
a battlefield between the genes thus implanted therein with all
their automotive drives and the commandments subsequently planted
against the selfsame genes, both being done by the same being,
viz., jehovah, alias jesus, whom Moses in his goodness, as man
takes to be "God," the perfection of goodness, as continuedly
professed by that being in execution of his rebellion.
Chapter - VI
Sin = Guilt
The authentic firsthand citations and observations of Mary of
Agreda, which are autonomous to christianity, on the one hand
place the origination of sin at a site earlier and
different from the so-called garden, and on the other appropriately
identify the original sinner differently
from man in Adam, as scriptural christianity claims - as "the
prince of that (same) assembly."
On account of its complexion, as original, the sin above is integral
with, and inseparable from, its originator. Therefore, the being
and the consciousness that carries the underived gene of sin at
genesis 4:7, and exerts itself verbally to discharge it
upon man, is the same "prince of sin" as above.
The reader may note the first entry under sin in the bible book,
where the sin issues alone from the consciousness of jehovah,
in words avowedly spoken by him to Cain. Here below is the passage
in full:
A) "If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling;
but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your
door. It wants to rule you, but you must overcome it."-
Good news bible, p.7.
However the same verse in the importantly attested Knox bible
goes as follows:
B) "If thy actions are good, canst thou doubt they will be
rewarded? If not, canst thou doubt that guilt, thenceforward,
will lie at thy door? Meanwhile he (Abel) is at thy mercy, and
thou canst have thy way with him." - p.3.
The entire bible book being underived and the text titled and
couched as "genesis" being the bottommost compartment
of the same aspect, "sin" and "guilt" in A
& B above are interchangeable. Secondly, they are expressly
personified by the speaker. Thirdly, they lie in a crouching state
of inertia when and until so personified.
Unless acted upon by an external force, they would interminably
so remain in inertia in, with, and alone with, its first and only
spokesman above. The statement, "it wants to rule you,"
is how he elementally personifies sin/guilt - specifically too,
by naming them "it" - so that he can apply on it with
the force he needs to start it on motion, "it" embracing
the sense of a person in lexicographic definition. By the expression
"wants" he acts on the personified guilt/sin and puts
it in motion.
Chapter - VII
Assassination of Abel:
The Site Configuration & Jesus' Conviction
The Corpus
The christian old testament of the bible book, particularly its
most typological part named as genesis, is the transcribed embodiment
of the consciousness of the classical Lucifer. It is in this sense
that we call it the exclusive medium of the self-expression of
Lucifer. The soliloquies, characters, and incidents featuring
in it are emanations of this consciousness - the first at its
indivisible primary level, the next at the fundamental operational
level, and the third at the secondary operational level. It is
at this third level that the consciousness of the Devil supreme
infiltrates generally into that of a particular community of people
accomplishedly centered around Moses.
The fourth and final stage of the bible book named as new testament
embodies the historical delineation of the same consciousness,
now extrinsically transformed by paisacha vivaham (Fornication
by the Devil) with the female Mary of the same community.
The House of Abel:
Considerations of sinistralism apart, the clinching text as far
as jesus' culpablity is concerned, is Luke 11:51. Unlike
Matthew 23:35, the paternity of Zacharias is altogether unrecited
in Luke. In Matthew, the paternity is specified
as Barachias. But Zacharias born of him did not die from violence,
as dishonestly affirmed by jesus.
The omission of Zacharias' paternity in Luke and its inclusion
in Matthew together with the other data in it that is factually
dishonest when applied to the one or the other Zacharias, as sought
by jesus in his criminality, and the quick breakdown of the whole
patter ("the jargon of criminals" - Merriam Webster,
p.834) when applied as the camouflaged clue to detection of Abel's
true assassinator, and only when so applied, are the factors in
jesus' conviction.
The Ancient Mother - II
The Judgement on christianity
ISBN 3-9520446-2-8
What is the real identity of jesus, uterine son of Mary and the
source-being of historical christianity?
In Ancient Mother II: The Judgement on christianity, author Leo
Panakal shows scientifically that jesus is none other than Lucifer,
the fallen rebel archangel and Devil supreme. In pursuance of
his declared personal manifesto, Lucifer generated christianity
and historically set it up under his prevalent name of jesus.
The author similary shows that the being named serpent in the
christian scripture is in reality Sivan, who is the impassive
benefactor of man and the embodiment of all goodness.
Christianity, says the author, is a system for the suffocation
of goodness from consciousness under the pretext of redeeming
it. The fall of christianity is mandatory; it will release man
from bondage of scripture.
«A scholarly and closely reasoned work.»
- Vantage Press, New York
Chapter - III
Identity: The First Definition
By consciousness judged on the running standard of infernal malignancy
against man, jesus then spontaneously nucleates into a chip of
the old block of Lucifer. Alone in him of all the three, there
now operates alongside that chip a new consciousness that he has
acquired from interaction with the human female, which capacitates
him to diffuse the malignancy in a grammar of overt goodness.
(This is the divisive of time, rebelliously labelled by historical
christianity as its divider. Lucifer the Devil supreme incarnating
as pseudo-man!
The artificer of underived fraud that he is, Lucifer effectively
in his consciousness foreclosed knowledge to man
by misrepresenting that its dividend was death, instead of deathlessness.
On the contrary, he admits after the outcome precipated
by serpent (Sivan) that the foreclosed knowledge all along
had been indispensible for attaining deathlessness.(Genesis
Chapter IV
Universal Catharsis vs. Primodial Evil
By system we mean in a general sense a single all-embracing principle
that explains all phenomena, "coherent in all its parts and
free from all contradictions." Therefore, any scriptural
system that claims a perpendicular and horizontal universal suffrage
should be on the one hand internally consistent and on the other
comprehensive of all coordinate phenomena from outside. Further,
since scripture is underived, there can only be one such system
of authentic kind, the other one becoming consequently a counterfeit
of the first.
Chapter V
Destruction of Continuum of Moksha
Christianity claims for its keystone that Adam was guilty of disobedience.
However, the individual responsible for the concerned text being
Lucifer, the man-creation account in his book is the expression
of his affectation. Therefore, Adam was indulging in his right
of self-preservation from a malevolent being, acquirement of knowledge
constituting the essence of this right.
Dealing latterly now with the same question exclusively and in
its own right, as predicated, the relevant data of the existence
of the serpent was supressed from Adam, through scriptural disinformation.
On the one hand, the serpent was identified as snake, which is
a different being. On the other, this being was earlier comprehensively
applauded with the express statement made to man, typified in
Adam as the quarry of the whole relevant text, that he found everything
that he affected to have created to be in good order.
In this context, the christian paradise is admittedly the fallout
of a redemption from knowledge; therefore, it is the exact antithesis
of moksham. Man lost the original paradise when
he opted for knowledge. Therefore, he has now been redeemed back
to the original state of nude knowledgelessness by christianity!
Chapter VI
Kingdom of Torments / God = Lucifer
The admitted singular enemy of christianity is a being unexceptionally
designated by every kind of bible book as "anti-christ."
Therefore, the scriptural and vulgar (from Sanskrit varga)
christian approach to this being is the authentic touchstone
of the above formula, however atmadushi (self-incompatible)
the latter verbally is. This scriptural approach progressively
verbalised by John at seven different places at the dissolution
of christianity and aimed at pre-designing the medial approach
is however the exact antithesis of the formula. It results in
open cannibalism self-satisfyingly carried out against the unique
enemy by John in his "revelation" from Lucifer.
Moreover, it culminates in a "great feast of the flesh of
all mankind" by god. The wide-open feast is actually organised
in hurried celebration of the doom of mankind targeted by him
and announced through Mary of Agreda (see the Council of Lucifer).
As for jesus, he is indivisible from the above god, being the
sole repository of the one-piece, one-time, banquet of universal
extermination revealed by him directly, exultantly and by name
to John (revelation 1:11 ) .
The whole obligatory process shows the christian god, far from
almighty, a slave of the gene. On the other hand, Sivan transcends
the gene by simultaneous destruction and regeneration.
As you have noticed, these paragraphs above are culled out from
the books titled as Ancient Mother - I & II respectively.
The book treats the same theme in far greater detail and length.
It carries the message of a redeeming mental health to the east
and west from the burden of guilt, through the self force of correct
knowledge. In the full book we also carry the probe even beyond
the splitting of the atom. Along with phenomenal knowledge, phenomenal
music is positively curative and redemptive as it encompasses
all art. This is the realm, kind and degree of knowledge that
Sivan, by securing the tree of knowledge, correctly imparts to
man's view as being the reservoir of immortality.
'Lokah Samastha Sukino Bhavantu'
'Let there come into being the state of grieflessness for every
being in the world'
Council of Lucifer
Quoted from, Grave and Urgent Warnings from heaven[sic],
Vol.I, 1978, pp.418. by Cyril Marystone, USA.
«Immediately after the creation of the angels, god informed
them that he was going to create a man in his image, that the
word was going to assume this human nature, and that this man
was going to be the master of the angels. Then god showed the
angels an image of this man, and he commanded the angels to worship
him. Lucifer and his angels refused to obey. ...
As soon as Lucifer and his followers entered hell, they assembled
in general council which lasted to the morning of Thursday. During
this time Lucifer exerted all his astuteness and diabolical malice
in conferring with the demons and concocting plans to obtain revenge.
They came to the conclusion that the greatest vengeance would
be to impede the effects of compassion which they knew god bore
towards man. This they hoped to obtain by deceiving men.
Lucifer's manifesto as self-discoursed by him to the Spanish nun
Mary of Agreda (1602-1665)
"No human tongue can explain the malice and fury of this
first council of Lucifer and his hosts against the human race
... In it were concocted all of the vices and sins of the world;
from that place proceeded all lies, sects and errors. ALL INIQUITY
are in the service of the prince of that assembly. "
Lucifer said: 'We will subject the human creatures to our influence
in order to destroy them. We will persecute this race of
men and will deprive them of the reward promised to them. I will
gain great victories over them, and I will destroy them
all and subject them to my designs. I will sow new sects
and errors and set up new laws contrary to those of the
most high in all things. I will raise up from among men false
prophets and leaders who will spread these doctrines. I
will scatter this seed through them and afterwards I will
assign them a place in these torments. I will afflict the poor,
oppress the suffering, and persecute the meek. I
will sow discord, excite wars, and stir up nations against
each other. I will raise proud and arrogant men to
extend the dominion of sin; and after they have executed
my designs, I will bury them in this eternal fire, with so much
the greater torments the more faithfully they have followed
me. This is my Kingdom, and this is the reward which
I will give to those who follow me.
And you, you demons who were injured together with me,
follow me. Obey me in pursuit of this vengeance, as you have followed
me in the rebellion. Pretend to love men in order to destroy
them; serve them in order to deceive them and to ruin them; help
them in order to pervert them and to draw them into these
regions of Hell.'»
(Emphases have been applied in the text at specific points that
afford recognisable visages of historical christianity, as typified
by Rome pope).
The notions of "reward", "promise", "hell",
etc., in the above originate inseparably and directly from fundamental
christianity as held in common by all of its divisions and sects,
while expressions relating potential fulfilment adhere both totally
and unrelatedly to the Rome pope, when these are considered comprehensively
in all their relevance. The expressions "most high"
and "reward promised" treat of Sivan - within the parameters,
respectively, of his condition as Eka-Devan (uni-god) and
of his words to Eve recorded as Genesis 3:4-5 - but as
infected with the discourse's (Lucifer's) self-consciousness of
his original sin. The discourse constitutes, in Lucifer himself,
the central reference point that co-ordinates, following embodiment
from Mary, his beinghood as cyclical rebel against reality. It
also forms, for this compulsive reason, the lone rebellion-free
expression to be uttered by his consciousness, in his time dimension,
in between the moment of his fall from dharma (goodness)
and of his taking possession of the consciousness of Moses - affording
to man, unavoidably, the only objective primeval mirror for the
correct spectacle of christianity, both incipient and historical.
See Isaiah 14:12-23, for compatibility of Isaiah with the
identical equality of Lucifer and jesus.
"What fallen from heaven thou Lucifer, that once
didst herald the dawn? Prostrate on the earth, that once
didst bring nations to their knees? I will scale the heavens (such
was thy thought); I will set my throne higher than god's stars,
take my seat at his own trusting-place, at the meeting of the
northern hills; I will soar above the level of the clouds, the
rival of the most high. Thine instead to be dragged down into
the world beneath, into the heart of the abyss. Who that sees
thee there, but will peer down at thee and read thy story: Can
this be the man who once shook the world, and made thrones totter;
who turned earth into a desert, its cities into ruins; never granted
prisoner release? For those other kings, honourable burial, each
in his own palace; thee the grave itself rejects, like a withered
root, like a thing unclean. Rots thy corpse unrecognised, beneath
yonder coverlet of men slain, that went down to the deep pit together;
no fellowship hast thou with those others, no share in their sepulture,
thou who didst lead thy country to ruin, thou, who didst bring
destruction on thy people. The posterity of the wicked shall be
nameless for ever; for the guilt they have inherited, his
sons too must be slain, they must not live to make the land their
own, and people the world with cities.
IDENTITY PUBLISHERS, CH-3723 Kiental, Switzerland
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