archived 10-08-99
Archive file# b100899b
donated by James Vandale
The 72 Solomonic Demons
For easy reference, here are the 72 Solomonic Demons and their attributes.
BAAL, a king ruling in the East, who imparts invisibility and wisdom. He appears
with a human head, or with that of a toad or cat, but sometimes with all at
once. He speaks with a hoarse voice.
AGARES, a duke ruling in the East, who appears in the form of a comely old man,
ambling upon a crocodile and carrying a goshawk on his wrist. He makes those who
run stand still, brings back runaways, teaches all languages, destroys spiritual
and temporal dignities and causes earthquakes. He is of the Order of the
According to the Vocabulaire Infernal, the special province of Agares is to
put to flight the enemies of those whom he protects.
VASSAGO, a mighty prince, of the nature of AGARES, who declares things past,
present and future, and discovers what has been lost or hidden. He is good by
This may account for his invocation, especially in Ceremonial Crystallomancy,
by adepts of White Magick.
GAMYGYN, a great marquis, appearing in the form of a small horse or ass, but
afterwards in human shape. He speaks hoarsly teaching the liberal sciences, and
giving news of souls who have died in sin. According to Wierus, he summons into
the presence of the exorcist the souls of drowned men, and of those detained in
Purgatory, called magickally Cartagra - that is, the affliction of souls.
assume an aerial body, are visible to sight, and reply to questions.
...... It's true! - Choronzon.
MARBAS, a president, who appears as a mighty lion, and then in human shape. He
answers truly concerning all things hidden or secret, causes and cures diseases,
imparts skill in mechanics, and changes men into various shapes.
VALEFOR, a powerful duke, appearing as a many headed lion. He leads those with
whom he is familiar into theft.
With the head of a hunter or a thief, says Wierus. He shows friendship till
they are caught in the trap.
AMON, a strong and powerful marquis, who appears like a wolf with a serpants
head, and vomiting flame. When so ordered, he assumes a human shape, but with
the teeth of a dog. He discerns past and future, procures love, and reconciles
friends and foes.
BARBATOS, a great count and duke, who appears when the sun is in Sagittarius
with four noble kings and three companies of troops; he gives instructions in
all the sciences, reveals treasures concealed by enchantment, knows the past and
future, reconciles friends and those in power, and is of the Order of the
He also understands the songs of birds and the language of other animals
PAIMON, a great king, very obedient to Lucifer. He appears like a crowned man
seated upon a dromedary, proceeded by all manner of musicians. He speaks with a
roaring voice, teaches all arts, sciences and secrets, gives and confirms
dignities, makes men subject to the will of the Magickian, provides good
familiars. He is observed towards the North-West, and is of the Order of
It appears from Wierus that the operator may fail to understand this spirit,
in which case he must stretch forth the character (sigil) belonging to him,
and command him to speak clearly.
..... He can be difficult to conjure though - Choronzon
BUER, a great president, who appears when the sun is in Sagittarius, and teaches
philosophy, logic, the virtues of herbs, &c. He heals all disease and gives good
GUISON, a mighty duke, who appears like a cynocephalus, and discerns the past,
present and future, answers all questions, reconciles enemies and gives honours
and dignities.
SYTRY, a great prince, who appears with a leopard's head, but assumes a human
form at the Magickian's command. He procures love between the two sexes, and
causes women to show themselves naked.
"Jussus secreta libenter detegit feminarum, eas ridens ludificansque ut se
luxorise nudent." -Wierus.
BELETH, a terrible and mighty king, riding on a pale horse, preceded by all
manner of musicians. He is very furious when first summoned, and must be
commanded into a triangle or circle with the hazel wand of the Magickian pointed
to the South-East. He must be recieved courteously and with homage, but a silver
ring must be worn on the middle finger of the left hand, which must be held
against the face. He procures love between man and woman, and is of the Order of
the Powers.
LARAJIE, a powerful marquis, coming in the likeness of an archer, clad in green,
and bearing bow and quiver. He occasions battles and causes arrow wounds to
ELIGOR, a great duke, appearing as a goodly knight carrying a lance, pennant and
sceptre. He discovers hidden things, causes war, marshalls armies, kindles love
and lust.
SEPAR, a great duke, who appears in red apparel and armed like a soldier. He
enflames women with love for men and can transform them into other shapes till
they have been enjoyed by their lovers.
BOTIS, a great president and earl, who appears like a horrid viper, but when
commanded, assumes a human shape, with large teeth and horns. He bears a sharp
sword in his hand, discerns past, present and future, and reconciles friends and
BATHIN, a mighty duke, who appears like a strong man with a serpant's tail,
riding on a pale horse. He knows the virtue of herbs and precious stones, and
can transport men swiftly from one country to another.
SALEOS, a great duke, who appears like a brave soldier, riding on a crocodile
crowned. He promotes love between the sexes.
PURSON, a great king, who appears like a lion-headed man carrying a viper in his
hand, and riding on a bear, preceded by many trumpeters. He conceals and
discovers treasures, discerns past, present and future, gives true answers
concerning things human and divine, and provides good familiars.
MORAX, a great earl and president, who appears like a human-headed bull, and
gives skill in astronomy and the liberal sciences, with good familiars. He knows
the virtues of all herbs and precious stones.
IPOS, a mighty earl and prince appearing as an angel with a lion's head, the
webbed feet of a goose, and a hare's tail. He knows the past and future, and
imparts wit and courage.
Does all he is supposed to (WELL) but caused me extreme misfortune also -
AINI, a strong duke, who appears with the body of a handsome man and three
heads, the first like a serpent, the second like a man, with two stars on the
forehead, and the third like a cat. he rides on a viper, and carries a blazing
firebrand with which he spreads destruction. He imparts much cunning, and gives
true answers concerning private matters.
NABERIUS, a valiant marquis, who appears in the form of a crowing cock and
flutters about the circle. He speaks hoarsely, gives skill in arts and sciences,
especially rhetoric, and restores lost dignities and honours.
GLASYALABOLAS, a mighty president, who comes in the form of a dog, but winged
like a griffin. He teaches all arts and sciences instantaneously, incites to
bloodshed, is the leader of all homicides, discerns past and future, and makes
men invisible.
BUNE, a strong duke, who appears as a three headed dragon, the heads being
respectively those of a dog, griffin and man. He has a pleasant voice; he
changes the places of the dead, causes demons to crowd round sepulchres, gives
riches, makes men wise and eloquent, answers questions truly.
RONOBE, a great marquis and earl, appears in a monstrous form; he teaches
rhetoric and the arts, gives a good understanding, the knowledge of tongues, and
favour of friends and foes.
BERITH, a terrible duke, appearing in the form of a soldier in red apparel, with
a golden crown, and bestriding a red horse. The ring used for Berith is required
for his evocation. He gives true answers of things past, present and to come,
turns all metals into gold, gives and confirms dignities. He speaks in a clear
and persuasive voice, but is a great liar and not to be trusted.
ASTAROTH, a great and powerful duke, appearing like a beautiful angel riding on
an infernal dragon, and carrying a viper in his right hand. He must not be
permitted to approach on account of his stinking breath, and the Magickian must
defend his face with the magick ring. Astaroth answers truly concerning past,
present and future, discovers all secrets, and gives great skill in the liberal
sciences. He will also discourse willingly on the fall of the spirits.
but pretends that he himself was exempt from their lapse - (Wierus)
Do not be surprised if Astaroth turns out to be a beautiful female, and the
noxious odour is instead the most pleasant scent that tries to lure you from
the circle. Remember to guard yourself with the silver ring - Choronzon
FORNEUS, a great marquis, appears as a sea-monster. He teaches all arts and
sciences, gives a good reputation and the knowledge of tongues, and causes men
to be loved by their enemies even as by their friends.
FORAS, a great president, who appears in the form of a strong man, and teaches
the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, as well as logic and ethics; he
makes men invisible, imparts wit, wisdom and eloquence, discovers treasures, and
restores things lost.
ASMODAY, a strong and powerful king, appears with three heads, the first like a
bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram. He has a serpent's tail,
the webbed feet of a goose, and he vomits fire. He rides an infernal dragon,
carries a lance and pennon, and is the chief of the power of Amaymon. He must be
invoked bareheaded, And in a standing position (Wierus), for otherwise he will
decieve. He gives the ring of virtues, teaches arithmetic, geomancy, and all
handicrafts, answers all questions, makes men invisible, indicates the places of
concealed treasures, and guards them if within the dominion of Amaymon.
GAAP, a great president and prince, appears when the sun is in the southern
signs, coming in a human shape, and preceded by four powerful kings. He teaches
philosophy and the liberal sciences, excites love and hatred, makes men
insensible, gives instruction in the consecration of things which belong to the
divination of Amaymon, his king, delivers familiars out of the custody of
Magickians, gives true answers as to past, present and future, transports men
speedily from place to place at the will of the exorcist.
According to Wierus, he will speak outside the triangle, but what he says will
be false.
FURFUR, a great earl, appears in the form of a hart with a fiery tail, and will
not speak until compelled within the triangle. He then assumes the form of an
angel, speaking with a hoarse voice. He causes love between man and wife, raises
thunder, lightning, and great winds, gives true answers about secret and divine
MARCHOSIAS, a mighty marquis, appears in the form of a wolf with the wings of a
griffin, a serpent's tail, and fire issuing from his mouth. At the command of
the operator he assumes a human form. He is strong in battle, gives true answers
to all questions, and is extremely faithful to the exorcist. He belongs to the
Order of Dominations.
PHOENIX, a great marquis, appears like the bird of that name, singing dulcet
tones in a childs voice. When he assumes human shape at the will of the
Magickian, he speaks marvellously of all sciences, proves an excellent poet, and
fulfills orders admirably. He hopes to return to the Seventh Thrones in 1200
HALPAS, a great earl, appears in the form of a stockdove, speaking with a hoarse
voice. He 'burns towns,' visits the wicked with the sword, and can send men to
fields of war or to other places.
or, according to Wierus, 'builds them and fills them with armed men.'
MALPAS, a powerful president, appears at first like a crow, but afterwards, when
so commanded, assumes a human form, speaking with a hoarse voice. He brings
artificers swiftly from all parts of the world, Destroys the 'desire and
thoughts' of enemies, gives good familiars, and recieves a sacrifice kindly, but
will decieve him who offers it.
The reading of Wierus is preferable, i.e., 'Temples and Towers.'
RAUM, a great earl, appears in the form of a crow, but assumes human shape when
bidden. He steals treasure and carries it where commanded; he destroys cities
and dignities; he dicerns past, present and future; he causes love between
friends and foes. Finally he is of the Order of the Thrones.
FOCALOR, a strong duke, appears in the form of a man with the wings of a
griffin. He drowns men, sinks warships, and has power over the winds and the
sea, but he will not hurt any one if commanded to forbear by the exorcist. He
hopes to return to the Seventh Thrones in 1050 years.
SABANACK, a mighty marquis, appears in the form of an armed soldier, having a
lion's head, and riding on a pale-coloured horse. He builds towers, camps and
cities, fortifies the same, torments men with putrid sores swarming with worms;
he gives good familiars.
VEPAR, a great duke, appears as a mermaid. He guides the waters and battleships,
and occasions storms at sea when so commanded by the Magickian. He also causes
the sea to seem full of ships, and occasions death in three days by means of
putreyfying sores and worm-eaten wounds.
SHAX, a great marquis, comes in the form of a stockdove, speaking with a hoarse
voice. He destroys the sight, hearing and understanding of any man or woman at
the will of the exorcist, steals money from the king's exchequer and returns it
in 1200 years. He will transport anything, but first must be commanded into the
triangle; otherwise he will decieve the operator. He discovers all hidden things
which are not in the keeping of wicked spirits, and gives good familiars.
VINE, a great king and earl, appears in a monstrous form, but assumes human
shape when commanded. He discerns things hidden, reveals witches, and makes
known the past, present, and future. At the command of the exorcist he will
build towers, demolish walls, and makes the waters stormy.
BIFRONS, a great earl, appears in a monstrous form, but assumes the human shape
when commanded. He gives proficiency in astrology, geometry, and other
mathematical arts; he teaches the virtue of herbs, precious stones, and woods;
he changes dead bodies, puts them in other places, and lights phantom candles on
their graves.
VUAL, a great duke, comes first as an enormous dromedary, but afterwards assumes
human form and speaks in the Egyptian tongue. He procures the love of women,
discerns past, present, and future, and excites friendship even between foes. He
was of the Order of Powers.
HAGENTI, a great president, appears in the shape of a gigantic bull with the
wings of a griffin, but will duly put on human form. He gives wisdom, transmutes
metals into gold, and turns wine into water.
PROCEL, appears in the form of an angel, and is a great strong duke. He speaks
mystically of hidden things, teaches geometry and the liberal sciences, and at
the command of the operator will make a great commotion like that of running
waters; he also warms waters and tempers baths. He was of the Order of the
Powers before his fall.
FURCAS, a great duke, appears in the form of a cruel old man, with a long beard
and hoary hair. He is settled on a pale horse, and has a sharp spear in his
hand. He teaches philosophy, rhetoric, astronomy, logic, chiromancy, and
pyromancy, perfectly in all their parts.
BALAM, a terrible and powerful king, appears with three heads, the first like
that of a bull, the second like that of a man, and the third like a ram's. With
the tail of a serpant and eyes flaming fire, he rides upon a furious bear,
carrying a goshawk on his wrist, and speaking with a hoarse voice. He gives true
answers as to past, present, and future, makes men go invisible, and imparts
ALLOCEN, a strong duke, appears in the form of a soldier, mounted on a great
horse, his face like that of a lion, exceedingly red, his speech hoarse and
loud. He teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences, and gives a good familiar.
CAIM, a great president, appears in the form of a thrush, but afterwards in that
of a man bearing a sharp sword, and seeming to answer in burning ashes. He is a
keen disputant; he imparts men the understanding of birds songs, the lowing of
cattle, the barking of dogs, and the voice of waters. He gives true answers
concerning things to come, and was once of the Order of Angels.
MURMUR, a great duke and earl, appears in the form of a soldier riding on a
griffin, and having a duke's crown on his head. He is preceded by two ministers
sounding trumpets. He teaches philosophy perfectly, and constrains the souls of
the dead to appear and to answer questions. He was partly of the Order of
Thrones and partly of Angels.
OROBAS, a great prince, appears first like a horse, but when commanded, in human
form. He discovers past, present, and future; he gives good dignities and
advancements, with the favour of friends and foes; he will reply concerning the
creation of the world and Divinity; he is very faithful to the exorcist, and
defends him from temptation by any spirit.
GOMORY, a powerful duke, appears like a beautiful woman, wearing a ducal crown.
He discovers past, present, and future, as also the whereabouts of hidden
treasures; he procures the love of women, and especially of girls.
OSE, a great president, appears at first like a leopard, and then in human
shape. He gives skill in all liberal sciences, and true answers concerning
divine and secret things. He can change men into any shape that the exorcist may
desire, and he that is changed will not know it.
AMY, a great president, comes first as a great flaming fire and then as a man.
He gives perfect knowledge of astrology and the liberal sciences, with good
familiars, and can betray treasues that are kept by spirits.
ORIAS, a great marquis, appears in the form of a lion bestriding a strong horse;
he has a serpant's tail, and holds two enormous hissing snakes in his right
hand. He teaches the virtues of the planets and the mansions thereof; he
transforms men, gives dignities, prelates, and confirmations, with the favour of
friends and foes.
VAPULA, a strong duke, comes in the form of a lion with a griffin's wings. He
gives skill not only in manual professions but also in philosophy and the
ZAGAN, a great king and president, appears at first in the form of a bull with
the wings of a griffin, and after in human shape. He makes men witty, turns
water into wine, blood into oil, and oil into water; he can change any metal
into coin of the realm, and can make fools wise.
VALAC, a great president, comes as a little boy with the wings of an angel and
riding on a two headed dragon. He gives true answers concernig hidden treasures,
tells where serpant's may be seen, and will deliver them helpless to the
ANDRAS, a great marquis, comes in the form of an angel, with the head of a
strong black wolf, and having a sharp bright sword gleaming in his hands. He
sows discord and will kill the unwary.
Make sure you instruct this guy, implicitly, to harm no one. He could
slaughter you and all around you - I was once tempted to set this guy on a
real bad dude. Changed my mind though. The dude is now a smack-head and going
downhill fast, funny how life turns ;) - Choronzon.
FLAUROS, a great duke, appears at first like a terrible leopard, but at the
command of the exorcist he puts on the shape of a man with fiery eyes and
terrible countenance. He gives true answers of things past, present, and future,
but unless commanded into the triangle he will decieve the exorcist. He
converses gladly of divinity and the creation of the world, as also of the fall
of spirits, his own included. If desired, he will destroy and burn the enemies
of the operator, nor will he suffer him to be temted by spirits or otherwise.
ANDREALPHUS, a mighty marquis, appears at first in the shape of a peacock, with
a great noise, but after puts on human shape. He teaches geometry perfectly and
all that belongs to measurements, astronomy included. He can transform men into
the likeness of a bird.
CIMERIES, a powerful marquis, he appears like a valiant soldier on a black
horse. He rules the spirits in the parts of Africa; he teaches grammar, logic,
and rhetoric, discovers hidden treasures and things lost and hidden; he can make
a man appear like a soldier of his own kind.
AMDUSCIAS, a great duke, comes first like a unicorn, but will stand up at
request in human shape, causing all manner of musical instruments to be heard
but not seen. He makes trees fall at the will of the operator, and gives
excellant familiars.
BELIAL, a mighty king, created next after Lucifer, appears in the form of a
beautiful angel seated in a chariot of fire, and speaking with a pleasant voice.
He fell first among the superior angels who went before Michael and other
heavenly angels. He distributes preferences of senatorships, causes favours of
friends and foes, and gives excellent familiars. He must have offerings and
sacrifices made to him.
DECARABIA, a marquis, comes in the form of a star in a pentacle, but puts on the
image of man at command. He dicovers the virtues of herbs and precious stones,
makes birds seem to fly before the exorcist, and remain with him as familiars,
singing and eating like other birds.
SEERE, a mighty prince under Amaymon, King of the East, appearing in the form of
a beautiful man on a strong winged horse. He brings all things to pass suddenly,
transports to any place in the twinkling of an eye, and discovers all thefts. He
is indifferently good or bad, and will do the will of the operator.
And how!!! This guy got me a new house in less than a week. He goes straight
in at number one. Difficult to see but definately does what he is asked -
DANTALIAN, a mighty duke, appears in the form of a man with many faces of men
and women, and has a book in his right hand. He teaches all arts and sciences,
declares all secret counsels, for all human thoughts, and can change them at his
will. He kindles love, and shows the similitude of any person in a vision,
wheresoever they may be.
ANDROMALIUS, a great duke and earl, appears in the form of a man holding a
serpant in his hand. He returns stolen goods and the thief, discovers all
wickedness and underhand dealing, as also hidden treasures.
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