Access to the Dulce base can allegedly be gained within
the town of Dulce in NW New Mexico, itself. One block
from the PAN AM building is the old high school, now used
as an engineering facility by MAKEN & HANGER [originally
ZIA Corp.]. Inside the facility is an elevator that
reportedly leads to Level-1 of the massive underground
facility beneath the Dulce area which is also known as
"Ultra" or "Section-D", which runs under main street at
a depth of about 200 feet. This level is guarded by
PROFORCE Security, whereas deeper and more secure levels
under the Archuleta mesa to the north contain automatic
devices designed to KILL intruders. Dulce is by far the
most massive and most strategic of all of the underground
"hubs" of the joint military-industrial / alien imperial
collaboration in North America, with numerous tube-tunnels
radiating to all parts of the continent and beyond.
SatView of Guard Shack protecting secured area 10 km NW of Dulce???
[ Note: The following story depicts some of the atrocities
taking place in underground facilities like Dulce, and
others within the U.S. and around the world - Al ]
Before going into the specifics of each remembrance, I want to give some
background/history of the
experiencer, and some word definitions. The experiencer is a 52 year old
white female, employed at an
educational institution, with a BA in English, who has had abduction
experiences since early childhood. She
has produced 24 hybrid babies (there may be others) for the greys that we
hear so much about these days.
But recently (within the last 3-4 years) the experiencer has been consigned
over to the dreadful reptilians for
experimentation of mind control. Dreaming has always been important to the
experiencer. Dreams were a
pleasant learning opportunity. Questions were answered, friends and loved
ones were visited, past lives were
revealed -- much was learned and enjoyed.
But one night that was all changed when the experiencer's ethreal
was visiting an underground genetic lab in West Virginia, the experiencer
went beyond what was allowed by
the powers that be. They are the powers that control us and do not want to
be revealed nor do they want
what they are doing to be revealed. The experiencer has not remembered her
dreams since that forbidden
excursion (for two years) because at night the experiencer's ethereal is
taken captive by the reptilians and
shown horrible, unspeakable things. Then the exploited ethereal is brought
back with the memory of those
fearsome events taken away, but the emotions caused by those events are
programmed to remain.
This has
caused a change in the personality of the experiencer as regards, hope,
happiness, security, decision-making,
and positive action. The experiencer now believes that humankind is so
controlled that any action that she
may take is not her own but that decided upon by her captors. In an attempt
to understand what is going on,
and why it is going on, the experiencer will be undergoing hypnosis
regression to 'remember' the dreams. The
following are some remembrances which have spontaneously popped into the
consciousness of the
To make communications more comprehensive, here are some words and their
definitions as
used by the experiencer: Us, We = humankind They, Them = non-humankind
Topside = The society of
humankind residing upon the surface of the ground Bottomside = the
underground network of many levels of
tunnels, and complexes where They live The Lab = the underground bio-generic
experimentation laboratory
(1996) The Artificial Boy. He started me on this journey of remembrances of
the underground bio-genetic
laboratories, because he and the process that created him, broke my heart.
He was a young boy, 8 or 9
years old, with light brown, reddish hair. His eyes were intelligent, yet
sad with a deep longing for something.
I knew he was artificially created and grown in this laboratory, and he knew
it too; although this process of
knowing, I do not understand. His environment, the kitchen, bedroom,
bathroom, and living room was
equivalent to what we on topside might be living in. Except, there were no
windows for looking out of -- only
for looking in to.
The walls of his environment contained no windows, but one entire wall of
laboratory-created environment consisted of opaque, lighted, one-way-vision
windows so he could be
monitored constantly. Just as many 9 year olds on topside do, he spent many
waking hours watching
television. And that's how he knew. He observed people reacting to people
constantly, and yet there were no
people in his environment, only his caretakers. And I do not know who they
were or how they represented
themselves to him, if at all. The boy was totally isolated. He looked 100%
human. Even his feelings were
human -- and that's what they were fascinated with. You see, feelings
control our actions, and control is what
They are really interested in.
He knew he was artificial, an experiment, and that he was scheduled to be
destroyed soon. But those things didn't amount to much compared to his great
longing. He wanted a real
human to touch him, hold him, to love him. And I wanted to do those things.
I can't remember if they allowed
me to do so or not, but I like to believe They did. I woke with tears in my
eyes and the undying memory of
that artificial boy in my heart.
Conclusion: That memory haunts me still, and it set my mind to wondering --
the artificial boy have a soul? And, if so, what happened to it when he was
terminated? Do They create
souls? If so, do They put them in capture human bodies, clones, artificial
bodies? How much control and
manipulation do They have over my soul, your soul, countless others? And how
ingenious of Them to
experiment not only on the emotions of that artificial boy, but with mine at
the same time. What other types of
horrific experiments are They doing that We don't know of, and for what
purposes? These are the questions
that the artificial boy caused me to ask;. That's how this journey of
remembering the bio-genetic underground
laboratories and the horrible experiments created there began.
(1996) The Birdman/Manbird I woke up
remembering the bird-man and the man-bird. They were interesting because
through the efforts and patience
of the Manbird, they were working together. They had to because one had the
attributes and physical parts of
the other. They were penned up in an extremely large bird cage (the kind we
see in a zoo) with branchey
things meant to function like a tree. The bird-man was approximately 2 ½
feet high with a bird head and a
bird brain. He is covered with brown feathers.
The human parts of him are distinctly human. They are arms
and hands of a human man, and human-looking feet (no legs). These parts are
not covered by feathers. He
could not fly nor sit in a tree, and that was frustrating because his bird
brain did not understand why he could
not perform what his instincts were telling him to do. The man-bird, was
taller, perhaps 3 ½ feet high. He had
a man's head on a man-bird torso, with bird wings and bird claws. He could
fly and grasp tree branches
enabling him to sit in a tree. He wants to do things with his hands, but he
has no hands. He tries desperately
and continuously to communicate with the bird man. He wants to teach the
bird-man how to use the hands
and arms as a human man would. He wants them to work as a team, but the
bird-man lacks human
So the man-bird who tries to reach the bird-man as a brother, also tries to
reach him as an
animal. They have made some progress, but they will never escape because
they are an experiment. One of
the things they hold in common is their shared fear of their captors.
Conclusions: Since the man-bird still has
human thinking and feeling of a human who was once on the topside, that must
be where he was at one time
as a full human. He did not grow up in captivity, but was created in the
Lab. His plight is pitiful.
(1996) The
Spider-man I woke up remembering the "spider-man." The thump-thump,
thumpity-thump of his eight
appendages pounding on the cage floor and shuffling the straw around was
still with me upon waking. He had
a body sack suspended from the midst of his appendages that flopped around
from the movement of those
long slender appendages with the knobby joints. They were covered with
human-looking flesh and I could
not tell which of the appendages were arms or legs because they had no hands
or feet -- they just terminated
like the end of an amputated stump.
From the manner in which the spider-man thumped around in his cage, it
seemed as though parts of him were meant to be human. His limb movement was
not coordinated as a
spider's would be and he seemed confused and frightened. He was in a round
cage with bars and was
considered as an animal by the white-robed human and non-human scientists
moving around him. The
spiderman had a shock of dark disheveled hair on the top of his head, a
face, small but still recognizable as
human -- but his eyes were large and segmented.
A grey telepathically informed me, "We like to refer to them
(the eyes) as being compartmentalized, as in having many different
compartments, yet each one is complete.
Imagine the range of vision......" Someone bigger and stronger than the grey
told him, in affect, to shut-up.
Conclusions: This rememberance indicates that such experiments are not
random nor purposeless. Of all the
creature combinations, there are those who can jump, fly, swim, run, and now
see a wide range of many
areas simultaneously. How horrible to be captured by an army of individuals
who can collectively out jump,
out fly, out swim, and out see any human being on topside.
(1996) The Woman With No Language I woke
up remembering the woman-with-no-language. She had blond curly hair, large
round eyes that were
constantly screaming in an attempt to be understood. Her mouth was a round
like the letter "O" because They
fed her through a tube which was inserted into her mouth and then withdrawn
when the feeding was over. The
capacity of language was taken away from this woman via some type of brain
manipulation (not necessarily
an operation, as we know it).
Since humans think in language, I don't know in what manner this woman
thought. Deciphering the thinking process may have been the purpose of this
dark experiment. I don't
remember her making any sound. Her mouth and jaw was useless to language,
therefore, tongue, jaw, and
facial movement were not necessary to Their purposes and was thusly
eliminated. She was strapped in an
up-right position in a rounded, tube-like clear plastic cage.
Her body muscles did not appear to be
etrophasized yet, so I assumed she was at one time (and not too long ago) a
functioning human living on
Conclusions: I'm sure that this woman still has family and friends who love
her. How did she come to
be down here? Why can she not be found? Her present condition appears
irreversible and she will be
disposed of when she no longer serves the purpose of her captors.
(1/10/97) The Horse-Boy I woke up
remembering the "horse-boy." He appeared to be young (3-5 years old when
compared to a human child)
because he was so short, approximately 3 ½ feet. He had on a yellow T-shirt
with red horizontal stripes. He
appeared to be of a light pastel coloring -- white, blue and pinkish flesh.
His eyes were small (as compared to
a human's) and had a light, opaque coloring.
I looked into his eyes to see how human he was, but that part of
his humanity appeared to be mercifully insane. He had a black or dark brown
colored mane running from the
top of his head down his back. He continuously was brushing the fore lock
and top of his mane back with his
forearm because it felt good to him (it had nothing to do with grooming).
The features of his head and face
was a combination of pony and human boy.
I noted the spacing of his eyes. Using a human face as a model,
the eyes were extremely wide-spaced (almost to the sides of the head) and
far removed (high) from the
elongated nose/snout. The ears (simple, human-shaped but with no folds) and
were placed not quite on top of
the head. Since his shirt covered his back, I couldn't determine the
existence or condition of a mane. He
stood up-right on his two hind hooves, and his two tiny fore hooves were on
long, skinny and
underdeveloped legs (as he did not walk on them). He sort of walked/hopped
on his hind legs to get around.
I could not determine if he was trained to walk upright, or if that
characteristic was genetically inbred. Even
though the reptilians kept "us" captive, the (human-master-race) scientists
were demonstrating the nature and
abilities of the horse-boy by feeding him tidbits, patting him on the head,
and laughing. It was a game they
readily enjoyed. The reptilians enjoyed not only the exploits of the
horse-boy, but the emotional pain and
anguish it caused Us to observe this type of cruelty.
I felt horribly bad because of what the genetic
experimenting was doing to the fully developed beautiful creatures of the
earth, and also because of the many
things I obviously didn't know. What Someone told me telepathically, "You
know how little boys love
ponies? Now the little boy can be his own pony! Ha, ha, ha!" (It made me
sick at heart -- to know such
things go one under the ground we walk on by merciless creatures who think
mankind is ridiculous, when all
the time They are the ones who are ridiculous.)
Conclusions: This horse-boy was created for the enjoyment
and edification of not only the human master race, but for the reptilian
race (of which there are several).
Creatures like the horse-boy are deposed of (destroyed) after they no longer
serve the needs of their
heartless bio-genetic engineers. What kind of a life is that for the
experimental creature? What kind of
awareness does that creature have? It varies, of course, with each creature
-- which may be one of the things
these vane scientists are attempting to discover.
Why? So they know better how to control us humans of the
slave class; and perhaps learn how to create slave creatures for specific
purposes. The reptoids (and other
aliens) have given to the human (master race) scientific knowledge and
equipment to accomplish feats beyond
our wildest imaginations. And that is just where They want to keep such
knowledge. It is not taught in human
schools, it is not accepted as 'real' science in the human society living on
topside. Such bio-genetic
experimenting is kept outside humandkind's determined range of reality, so
that it can be on-going, so that it
can change us.
(1/18/97) A Physical/Ethreal Tie-In Last week I had injured my left index
finger by
accidentally cutting off the tip (which included some flesh and fingernail).
It was a small piece of the finger, but
to me it was a traumatic loss of part of my body. Perhaps that's what
triggered this dream. A real injury (real
in the 3rd dimension) would lend this dream an air of credulity. One or two
reptilians, two greys, and I were
standing in front of a section of white counter top, staring at an object.
There it was, neatly laid out upon a
sterile hospital-looking square napkin, a severed human hand. It was a clean
cut, three inches beyond the
wrist containing a short portion of some of the arm. It was not bleeding. It
was a nice looking hand and I felt
very warm and friendly towards it.
No one was 'speaking.' Finally, they told me (through telepathy, of
course,) it was my hand, and they continued to wait for a reaction from me.
I looked down at my left arm
extremity. There was no hand there, in fact, three inches up from the wrist
was missing. Still I searched for
reasons not to believe them, and as I did this, the hand changed color and
texture; it started fading in and out
of my vision. I knew the severed hand could not be real. There could be no
invasion of my gross anatomy left
sleeping in bed in the 3rd dimension.
Somehow I knew that kind of tampering was not allowed. They did not
get the type of emotional reaction expected. In that respect, they had
failed. The next instant, I was snapped
back to my living body in the third dimension. It was like being on a big
rubberband that quickly pulled me
back to that sleeping form I call me.
Conclusion: Although They did not get the emotional response They
expected, They still learned something. And that is, how to better regulate
their experiments, and how some
humans may think and feel. It gives me hope that We are not as helpless as
They want Us to believe, but I
also feel that the more I wiggle in their trap, the more securely it locks
me in. Or could this insight just be
another illusion that They want me to believe? How do we determine reality?
(1/21/97) Hypnosis-regression:
Question: How do they come for you?
Answer: They are present in the in the fourth dimension before I go to
sleep because they must grab the ethereal of me after it has separated from
the body before it can escape
their grasp.
Question: Who are they? What do they look like?
Answer: ..... I'm surprised. They are not
reptilians. They are a form of demon-looking grey -- like a gargoyle. They
are grey all over, no clothes. Their
eyes are human-sized, completely round in appearance, red and glowing. The
ears are larger than human-size
with long points that protrude past the top of the head. They have two rows
of sharp-even teeth. I don't
remember the mouth or nose (if any).
Question: How do they take you?
Answer: As soon as the ethereal
separates from they body, they each (there are two) grab my upper arms with
their claw-hands. (NOTE: The
hypnotherapist has on several occasions seen the black and blue marked left
on the client's upper arms. The
marks look like finger prints.)
Question: What do their hands look like? Answer: Like a claw. Question: How
many fingers do they have?
Answer: Four and one thumb. They are bulbous on the ends and have long black
sharp claws.
Question: Do these creatures have tails?
Answer: I don't know. I can't see. The creatures are
maybe four feet tall and smooth all over, but with lumpy protrusions of a
bony structure on their faces and
shoulders. They laugh a lot among themselves and ignore humans. They are
just doing their job.
Where do they take you?
Answer: To a transportation vehicle.
Question: What does it look like?
Like the starry sky. Pieces of it blend into the sky so that only parts of
it are visible.
Question: What
happened next?
Answer: They strap me in an up-right position with yellow seat-belts (as in
a car). The
vehicle moves so fast it disappears to the human eye.
Question: Where does it (the vehicle) take you?
Answer: To a large, enclosed complex. There are many beings going to and
from with a sense of purpose,
and there are many captives.
Question: What doe they look like?
Many different kinds -- reptilians,
greys, humans, humanoids, robots.
Question: What does the complex look like?
Answer: It is huge. There are
long hallways with many windows, waist high.
Question: Can you see in the windows?
Answer: No. Just that
we are outside those windows.
Question: Where do they take you?
Answer: To the lab, past the windows,
down long hallways.
Question: Describe the lab.
Answer: It is oblong, very large. There is a long white
counter top that is attached to a wall. It is waist high and runs the length
of the room. There are blocks of
computers located in various places throughout the room. There are surgical
instruments and metal trays of all
shapes and sizes. I am afraid.
1) These gargoyle-type of grey must be working for the reptilians
as they bring designated victims to the reptilians and humans of the 'master
race.' No wonder churches and
old buildings are decorated with these frightening creatures. Human beings
have encountered them many
times before.
2) In order for them to abduct a human's ethereal, two of them wait by the
side of the bed for
the person to fall asleep, then grab the ethereal by the upper arm before it
can escape. Timing is everything in
this case. They have the attitude that 'it is just a job,' so they must be
doing some one else's bidding.
3) The
ship, or transportation vehicle seems to be half in the third dimension and
half in the fourth dimension. When it
travels, it travels in the fourth dimension as it seems to 'disappear' to
our eyes in the third dimension.
Humans, reptilians, and other aliens are working together. It is strange,
but now that I am writing these things,
the remembrance of such dreams (ethereal abductions) have ceased.
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