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EGYPT -- dark, sublime, mysterious -- has never yet yielded up all her
secrets. This is true today, especially of her colossal architecture, many
of the mysteries of which lie unresurrected with the memories of those
master masons who framed them. In 1888 H. P. Blavatsky said of descending
Egypt: "One would imagine that, thanks to the numerous records of the Egyptian
theogony and mysteries preserved in the classics, and in a number of the
ancient writers, the rites and dogmas of Pharaonic Egypt ought to be well
understood at least; better, at any rate, than the too abstruse philosophies
and Pantheism of India, of whose religion and language Europe had hardly
any idea before the beginning of the present century. Along the Nile and
on the face of the whole country, fresh relics which eloquently tell their
own history are exhumed yearly and daily, and there stand to this hour.
Still it is not so." Max Müller is then quoted as saying:
The great Pyramid of Gizeh remains even now in many ways one of the
ancient wonders of the world. The hieroglyphic carvings with which the
marvelous structure was originally covered have centuries since disappeared
with the granite casings -- which once shone over the breadth of Egypt
as the symbol of her ageless dynastic life. For almost a thousand years
the sacred interior has been violated by men of shod feet and profaning
eyes; yet how many even today can lay claim to the planes of knowledge
exhibited in the canons of its time-defying proportions, though the original
and secret purposes of the Pyramid are now made clear? We are left to conjecture
when we depend upon modern authorities. They can neither tell us for what
the pyramids were constructed, under what dynasty the first was raised,
nor the material of which they are built. The Secret Doctrine
that the Egyptians descended from the Atlanteans, whose civilization was
greater even than that of the Egyptians; and that it is their descendants
who built the first pyramids in the country. This was before the advent
of the Eastern Ethiopians, under their human king, Menes. It is likewise
declared that the pyramidal structures in Europe were built after the submersion
of the last Atlantean continent (850,000 years ago) before the arrival
of the Aryans; while others were built by the earliest immigrants
from the East.
Thus the date of the hundreds of pyramids in the valley of the Nile
is impossible to fix by any of the rules of modern science; but Herodotus
tells us that each successive king erected one to commemorate his reign
and serve as his sepulcher. But Herodotus did not tell all, although he
knew that the real purpose of the pyramid was very different from that
which he assigned to it.
The pyramids are closely connected with the ideas of both the Great
Dragon (the constellation), the "Dragons of Wisdom" or the great Initiates
of the Third and Fourth Races, and the flood of the Nile, regarded
as a divine reminder of the great Atlantic Flood. "The Great Dragon has
respect but for the Serpents of Wisdom, the Serpents whose holes are now
under the triangular stones" -- i.e., the pyramids, at the four corners
of the world. This tells us clearly that which is mentioned more than once
elsewhere in the Commentaries; namely, that the Adepts or Wise Men of the
three races (the Third, Fourth and Fifth) dwelt in subterranean habitats,
generally under some kind of pyramidal structure, if not actually under
a pyramid. For such pyramids existed over the world, and were never the
monopoly of the land of the Pharaohs, though, until found scattered all
over the two Americas, under and over ground, beneath and amid virgin forests,
as in plain and vale, they were supposed to be the exclusive property of
Internally, the Pyramid was a majestic fane, in whose somber recesses
were performed the Mysteries, and whose walls had often witnessed the initiation-scenes
of members of the royal family. Externally, it symbolized the creative
principle of nature, and illustrated also the principles of geometry, mathematics,
astrology, and astronomy. Mr. Ralston Skinner, author of the Source
of Measures, discovered that a system of exact science, geometrical,
numerical, and astronomical, founded on very ancient ratios, was used in
construction of the Great Pyramid. Mr. Proctor, an American astronomer,
speaking of the multitude of relations independent of the Pyramid which
have turned up while the Pyramidists have been endeavoring to connect the
pyramid with the solar system, says: "These coincidences are altogether
more curious than any coincidences between the Pyramid and astronomical
numbers: the former are as close and remarkable as they are real." To this
Mr. Staniland Wake observes: "They must, however, have been more than mere
coincidences, if the builders of the Pyramid had the astronomical knowledge
displayed in its perfect orientation and in its other admitted astronomical
The Egyptian pyramid symbolically represents the idea of the Mundane
Tree. Its apex is the mystic link between heaven and earth, and stands
for the root, while the base represents the spreading branches, extending
to the four cardinal points of the universe of matter. It conveys the idea
that all things had their origin in spirit -- evolution having originally
begun from above and proceeded downward, instead of the reverse. It is
on this knowledge that the program of the Mysteries and of the series of
initiations were based: thence, the construction of the pyramids, the everlasting
record and the indestructible symbol of these Mysteries and Initiations
on earth, as the courses of the stars in Heaven. The cycle of Initiation
was a reproduction in miniature of the great series of Cosmic changes to
which astronomers have given the name of tropical or sidereal year (25,868
years). Just as, at the close of the cycle of the sidereal year the heavenly
bodies return to the same relative positions as they occupied at its outset,
so at the close of the cycle of Initiation the inner man has regained the
pristine state of divine purity and knowledge from which he set out on
his cycle of terrestrial incarnations.
In "The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid," Staniland Wake
writes: "The so-called King's Chamber, of which an enthusiastic Pyramidist
says, 'The polished walls, fine materials, grand proportions and exalted
place, eloquently tell of glories yet to come' -- if not, the chamber of
perfection of Cheops' tomb, was probably the place to which the initiant
was admitted after he had passed through the narrow upward passage and
the grand gallery, with its lowly termination, which gradually prepared
him for the final stage of the SACRED MYSTERIES."
Had Mr. Wake been a Theosophist, he might have added that the narrow upward
passage leading to the King's Chamber has a "narrow gate" indeed; the same
"strait gate" which "leadeth unto life," or the new spiritual rebirth alluded
to by Jesus.
The King's Chamber in Cheops' Pyramid is thus an Egyptian "Holy of Holies."
On the days of the Mysteries of Initiation, the candidate, representing
the solar god, had to descend into the sarcophagus (the baptismal font),
and represent the energizing ray, entering into the fecund womb of Nature.
Emerging from it on the following morning, he typified the resurrection
of life after the change called Death. In the great Mysteries his figurative
death lasted two days, when with the sun he arose on the third morning,
after a last night of the most cruel trials. While the postulant represented
the Sun -- the all-vivifying Orb that "resurrects" every morning but to
impart life to all -- the sarcophagus was symbolic of the female principle.
For the ancient nations, the passage entrance and the sarcophagus in
the King's Chamber meant regeneration, not generation. It was the most
solemn symbol, a Holy of Holies indeed, wherein were created immortal Hierophants
and "Sons of God." "To crucify before the sun" is a phrase used of Initiation.
It comes from Egypt, and primarily from India. The enigma can be unriddled
only by searching for its key in the Mysteries of Initiation. The initiated
adept, who successfully passed through all the trials, was attached,
nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a tau (or cross)
and plunged in a deep sleep. He was allowed to remain in this state three
days and three nights, during which time his Spiritual Ego was said to
confabulate with the "gods," descending into Hades, and do works of charity
to the invisible beings, whether souls of men or elemental spirits; his
body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or subterranean cave. In
Egypt it was placed in the sarcophagus of the King's Chamber, and carried
during the night of the approaching third day to the entrance of a gallery,
where at a certain hour the beams of the rising Sun struck full on the
face of the entranced candidate, who awoke to be initiated by Osiris, and
Thoth, the God of Wisdom.
Let the reader turn to some most suggestive Egyptian bas-reliefs. One
especially from the temple of Philoe, represents a scene of initiation.
Two Gods-Hierophants, one with the head of a hawk (the Sun), the other
ibis-headed (Mercury, Thoth, the god of Wisdom and secret learning, the
assessor of Osiris-Sun), are standing over the body of a candidate just
initiated. They are in the act of pouring on his head a double stream of
water (the water of life and new birth) which stream is interlaced in the
shape of a cross and full of small ansated crosses. This is allegorical
of the awakening of the candidate (now an Initiate) when the beams of the
morning sun (Osiris) strike the crown of his head (his entranced body being
placed on its wooden tau so as to receive the rays). Then appeared
the Hierophants-Initiators, and the sacramental words were pronounced,
ostensibly, to the Sun-Osiris, addressed in reality to the Spirit Sun within,
enlightening the newly-born man.
In the extraordinary sculpture and painting of the throne of Rameses
II, and on a fragment from the Hall of the ancestors of Totmes III, preserved
by the National Library of Paris, one sees the disc of the Sun beaming
upon an ansated cross placed upon a cross of which those of the
Calvary were perfect copies. The ancient manuscripts mention these as the
"hard couches of those who were in (spiritual) travail, the art of giving
birth to themselves." A quantity of such cruciform couches, on which
the candidate, thrown into a dead trance at the end of his supreme initiation,
was placed and secured, were found in the underground halls of the Egyptian
temples after their destruction.
A learned Kabalist wrote in a private letter to H.P.B.: "The measurement
from the surface of the Great Step (it is on that step that one
arrives on the plane of the level or floor and open entrance to the King's
Chamber) and the Grand Gallery to the top of the said gallery ... [gives]
an indication of cosmic man on this high grade or step, at the
entrance of the King's Chamber -- which is the womb. Now this
passage is of such a height that a man to enter it must stoop." This
same esotericism exists to this very day in India, with regard to the "Holy
of Holies." This is the passage through the "golden cow," in the same stooping
position as the one shown in the gallery of the pyramid. With the ancient
Hindus the meaning was grandiose, sublime and poetical. The ceremony of
passing through the golden cow -- itself a symbol of universal, abstract
nature -- meant spiritual conception and birth, or rather the re-birth
of the individual and regeneration; the stooping man ready to pass
through the matrix of mother nature, or the physical creature ready to
become the original spiritual Being -- pre-natal MAN. All Content © HiddenMysteries - TGS (1998-2005) Please send bug reports to info@hiddenmysteries.org
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