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by Lana Rings Fort Worth and Arlington,
Texas 10/23/93 Hydra is another constellation having
to do with snakes, for the Hydra itself or herself is a water
snake, and Hydra is the feminine form of the word (Hydrus the
masculine form). In the night sky Hydra appears at the
same time as Virgo, the Virgin, does. The Hydra is a very long
constellation, according to Rey covering one quarter the length of
the night sky, probably important for that very reason. The fact
that the constellation takes up such a long part of the sky, made
up of stars which could be used in other constellations, should be
indicative that this was an important constellation. It is below
the ecliptic, and therefore below the sun sign Virgo. It is also
below the sun sign Leo, the lion, another animal significant to
many goddess figures. (In fact, it "stretches 70 degrees across
the night sky [Cancer through Libra!]" Griffon 1992, 48.)
The Hydra seems to be female, just like Virgo, and appears near
that very female part of the sky containing the Serpent Holder and
Scorpio, which, it has been argued, are significant parts of the
autumnal heliacal (rising/setting at about the same time as the
sun) sky
The Hydra is also associated with two
other symbols almost literally riding above or on it: the crow, or
raven, and the cup (perhaps cauldron), all three holy symbols of
those ancient religions. The snake, water snake, raven, and
cauldron are all holy symbols. The constellations look like this,
according to Rey, and are best seen in the twentieth century from
February through May. (See Rey's charts for more detailed viewing
times and place in the sky.) The stars of Hydra, connected by dots,
together with the crow and cup on top of it (crow left, cup
right). Part of Virgo is also showing in the upper left hand
corner. Now, Hydra herself is not one of the
brightest constellations in the sky. So it is not particularly
important from the standpoint of brightness, but it is important
because of its length. Also, according to Rey, "Hydra's head ...
is a pretty little group of stars and worth looking for.... Hydra
is hard to see in middle latitudes but farther south, where it
rises higher, its graceful shape can be traced easily on clear
dark nights" (48). Rey uses a 40 degree latitude as his point of
departure, an imaginary line crossing the United States at the
northern boundary of Kansas and crossing southern Italy, northern
Greece and Turkey. So further south would be, for example, 30
degrees, approximately Houston, Texas, northern Florida, northern
Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Much (though not all) of the Fertile
Crescent, from which the myths come is between 40 and 20 degrees
latitude north of the Equator. Thus, the people of Athens, Crete,
southern Anatolia (Turkey), Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
would have been able to spot Hydra quite well, especially since
they didn't have all those electric night lights to disturb their
star gazing! According to Greek mythology, the
story of the raven, the water snake, and the cup is as follows:
Apollo sent the raven with a cup to fetch water while at a feast
for Jupiter. While on his way, the raven became attracted by a fig
and waited for the fruit to ripen so he could eat it. But then he
realized he had dallied, so he picked up the poor snake and took
it to Apollo, telling the god that he had been delayed by it.
Apollo was so aggravated by the whole thing that he put all three,
raven, cup, and snake into the sky as a memorial!!! (Griffon 1992,
48) But this is only one tale, one of the
latest tales, the Greek tale. There are other tales about the
Hydra of the sky as well. According to Allen, Hydra has been
called Coluber, the Snake, Echidna, the Viper, the Arabic Al
Hayyah, perhaps a relative of Ladon, sometimes three-headed,
the Nile, the moon's nodes. Its brightest star Alphard has been
called the backbone, neck, or heart of Hydra. If Hydra is Echidna, the Viper, she is
half snake and half nymph, according to Allen. According to
Walker, a nymph is "a bride or a nubile young woman. The same word
was applied to female-genital symbols like the lotus flower, water
lilies, and certain shells. 'Nymphs' served as priestesses in
ancient temples of the Goddess, especially in sexual ceremonies,
where they represented the divine principle of flowering fertility
and were sometimes known as Brides of God" (1983, 732). If one
looks up 'Echidna', one finds that she is the daughter of
(Earth!!). One also finds
that she is the mother of Cerberus (see "Dog"), who is the hound
of Hades, the hound of Hel (the goddess Hel); and she is the
mother of the Nemean lion, also a holy animal of the Goddess(es).
Finally, and for our constellation, most importantly, she is the
mother of the Lernaean Hydra, the Hydra of Lerna, who, by the time
of the Greeks, had become of monstrous multi-headed monster whom
Heracles (Hercules) killed. Indeed, in earlier days the Lernean
Hydra may have been something quite different from that monster
the Greeks hated so and Heracles killed. In Ur (Iraq) of the
fourth millenium BCE (somewhere between 5000 to 6000 years ago,
and several millenia before the Greek stories, there existed
serpent headed Goddess figures, suckling infants, (I say, perhaps
an early, beneficent version, this half snake, half female
figure?) (Johnson 1981, 133). In the early fifth millenium BCE,
there is an icon, described by Johnson as follows: "Stripes on the
enthroned Madonna suggest a Snake Goddess, Sesklo, Greece" (125).
In Egypt Neith appears as the "golden cobra [who] wears
the shuttle on her breast, ca. 1325 BCE" (125). (See
and Isis and
cobras.) The snake and female figures are
heavily entwined here as one and the same concept, entity, or
symbol. At other places and times, perhaps in later versions or
modifications of other traditions, female figures and snakes are
still connected, but are no longer one and the same figure as
icons. Instead, the snakes accompany the female figures, either as
the Lady of the Beasts (Khafaje, Sumer, 2500 BCE, Johnson, 139),
the Minoan Snake Goddesses/women (sixteenth century BCE, Johnson,
143-144), the Goddess Anat (Syria, thirteenth century BCE,
Johnson, 152), or the Goddess of Canaan, ca. 1200 BCE (Johnson,
139). Another possibility is that the Hydra
is Al Hayyah, the Arabic name for her, meaning--what
else--snake! Is Al Hayyah a variation of the Arabic
hayyat, meaning Eve, Life, Serpent? By the time of
Eve, of course, the female, the tree, and the snake had become
negative symbols, for the warrior god became angry when they all
got together and threw them out of Paradise. The
relationship of similar words to
Eve is discussed in detail
in the section on the Serpent Holder. The Hydra is possibly also the dragon
who guarded the apples of Hera in the Hesperides. Thus Hydra could
have some relationship to Hera as well. And, of course, in the
Hesperides there was a tree with Hera's golden apples on it and a
snake who guarded the holy tree. Very similar to the Eve story,
but here not yet as completely negative as Eve's story.
Thus, the Hydra could be related to
Draco (and the Serpent Holder). Be that as it may, it is quite
interesting to note that birds and snakes were perceived as very
holy symbols in quite ancient times. According to Gimbutas "when
she is prophesying death, this Goddess manifests as an owl or
crow--birds of prey. European folklore is full of the same kinds
of warnings from birds of prey to this day..." (1991, 238).
Regarding the snake, "the snake of Old Europe, however, represents
the antithesis of Christian, Semitic, and Indo-European religions.
She assures the well-being and continuity of life through intimate
identification and harmony with the cycles of nature. Through
seasonal renewal of vital energy, the snake assures and protects
the life of humans and animals. There are hundreds of beliefs in
the snake's magical plants and flowers which can heal the sick and
even raise the dead. Even the snake's body was used as medicine.
The snake is also present in her poisonous aspect, appearing as
the Goddess of Death" (236). Thus, the Hydra of the sky could be
related to any of these aspects of ancient religions going back
thousands of years. If she is retained in the Greek versions of
Echidna and the Lernean Hydra at all, she has been completely
vilified so that the poisonous aspect of her has been exaggerated
beyond all proportion, for the Lernea Hydra of the Greeks became
an evil, killing monster, and that was all. Yet, the earlier snake and crow
stories make much more sense to me than the later Greek Apollo
aggravation story. A holy snake and crow and cup would be placed
in the sky by a people for whom they were important, not as
punishment. They would be there for the people to see, reminding
them of their spiritual beliefs. So, as far as I am concerned (and
corrobated by findings in myth and archeology), it makes much more
sense to view the later Greek myth as a covering over of the
ancient ideas by newer, conquering belief systems. But since the
manuscript of the sky was already there for all to see, and could
not be destroyed, the later Greeks had to fit some kind of story
onto and over the existing ones. Thus, the stories seem weird and
do not make much sense. For while some gods are throwing things
into the sky as punishment, other gods and goddesses and rewarding
human and animal figures by placing them in the sky as well. It's
hard to make much sense of that unless one does view them all in
the context of what went before: the beliefs more ancient than
those of the Greeks of the first millennium B.C.E.! According to Allen, the Hydra was
called by some "three-headed,"**
which is quite interesting, because the Lernean Hydra was
nine-headed. There may be some connection there, because the
numbers three and nine are important in vegetation cycle belief
systems: three is important in the waxing, maturing, and waning
belief system representative of the moon's course, and of course
of the three parts of the year: spring (waxing), summer
(maturing), autumn (waning), with winter being a time of waiting
for the next cycle to begin. Also, the number nine is important
because of the nine month vegetation cycle and because of the
human gestation period. These ideas had to be important after the
solar calendar was created, since a human pregnancy takes 10 lunar
months, or lunations. Thus, there could be some relationship
there. Allen cites another definition of the
sky Hydra as the winding course of the moon: "For an unknown
period its winding course symbolized that of the moon; hence the
latter's nodes are called the Dragon's Head and Tail" (1963
[1899], 249). Here is another instance in which the Hydra
and the moon are linked, indeed in which the Hydra symbolizes the
moon in its course. As has been said, it is thought that the lunar
calendar was the first calendar ever, because it would have been
easier to watch the moon in its wanderings over a month than to
watch the sun for a year. However, ancient peoples, at least in
the area we call Great Britain, of about 1600 BCE, knew the
56-year cycle of the moon and sun before they complete cycles and
meet again. The nodes of the moon are imaginary points on the
ecliptic, the place where the moon crosses the ecliptic when
rising and setting and are known, as here stated, as the Dragon's
Head and Tail. Thus, the dragon, or snake, is still extremely
important in the sky zodiac of later periods, although it has
become a negative aspect in many ways at the time of the Hellenic
Greeks. The ecliptic is an imaginary line in the heavens,
delineating the sun's apparent passage through the sky every day.
The constellations appearing on the ecliptic are those through
which the sun passes. These constellations are the zodiac signs,
except for the Serpent Holder, which for some reason is not part
of the zodiac (deleted
because of its importance to ancient
Hydra was also at one time
representative of the Nile River and given the name of their river
by the Egyptians. Of course, the Nile was all-important to the
ancient Egyptians, and they used the stars, especially Sirius (in
the Big Dog ["Bitch" used as positive word] constellation,
to know when the Nile would flood each spring. The Nile was a
source river for them. And as waters are important in ancient
cosmic belief, there may have been a connection between the Nile
as source and the snake as representative of birth (as well as
death and resurrection). In addition, for the Euphrateans of
1200 BCE (Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq), from which much of
astronomy/astrology as we know them came, "Hydra is supposed to be
the snake shown on a uranographic stone,... 'identified with the
source of the fountains of the great deep,' and one of the several
sky symbols of the great dragon Tiamat
(see Draco). Here we have
Tiamat again and her identification with the great deep which is
found in the Bible as the "cosmic stuff" out of which God (Elohim,
the Gods) produced creation. Tiamat herself is in some stories the
original creatrix as well, the great serpent who was killed by
Marduk later when he took over the universe in ancient
myth. Finally, Alphard, the brightest star
in the Hydra constellation, is known by several names: "Solitary
One in the Serpent," or backbone or neck of the Serpent, or
Hydra's Heart--all body parts important important in the
anatomy. Thus, it seems quite reasonable to
believe that the Hydra means much more than what Apollo makes it
in the later Greek myth. Hydra represented important cosmic
beliefs of ancient peoples, having to do with the forces of
creation -- the great chaos or deep or waters which existed prior
to creation, and out of which creation was formed, often in female
form. Hydra as snake also contained some of the representations of
that for which the symbol snake stood: birth, life, death,
rebirth, regeneration. It makes much more sense that the Hydra
would have these important cosmic meanings rather than the simple,
seemingly stupid, story of a ticked-off God punishing a raven and
a poor helpless snake by throwing them into the
sky. Looking back at all of these stories
and definitions, it seems quite clear that the Hydra here is not
an evil watersnake, as the Lernean Hydra is portrayed. Whether
there is a connection between this Hydra and the Lernean Hydra is
not completely clear to me. However, there may be a connection
between the triple-headed Hydra here and the Lernean Hydra.
Another connection could be made through reading Graves'
interpretations of Lerna and the Lernean Hydra. The area around
Lerna was definitely a pre-Greek pagan site. The sky Hydra, when
reading Allen, seems to have symbols of death associated with it:
the raven, the viper (death-dealing snake), the word 'furious.'
Also the crab and scorpion are some interpretations of it. The
scorpion is associated with death, I believe. But the watersnake
is also a symbol of the course of the moon, of life, therefore
(waxing, maturing, waning), and if related to the triple Goddess
also symbolic of the life cycle process. (Remember the three
maidens and the three heads.) Also, the Hydra is related possibly
to Hera (of the triple deity Hebe, Hera, Hecate), maybe to Eve,
and maybe to the Greek Echidna nymph-snake, all possibly remnants
of the female snake deities representing life and death, and
immortality -- resurrection as well. It seems quite evident that the
Hydra's story did not begin with the Greeks' notion of a dumb
snake involved in the story of the cup of water and the raven. It
seems that must be a later Greek re-writing of an ancient holy
symbol. The Hydra is quite long and, though faint, still
impressive in the sky and is also near that great autumnal helical
sky containing the serpent holder, scorpion, etc. A marvelous sky
of female pagan symbols, most probably, and related to the dying
time of the yearly cycle, but having the seeds of rebirth and
immortality there as well. It is also right under Virgo! So I
think Hydra, far from being simply a poisonous, venom-dripping
serpent of many heads, as the Lernean Hydra became, and far from
being a dumb snake caught up in the disobedience of Zeus by a
raven going to get him a drink from the cup, the Hydra was the
awe-inspiring snake, giver of life, death, and rebirth, symbol of
the life's cycles: furious, but also great and sublime. Wonderful.
Bye-bye, Greek story of little
meaning. Hello, much more understandable symbol of an ancient
religion whose manuscript the Greeks had to re-interpret to their
own ends and belief systems. * Stone makes a case for the tree in the
Garden of Eden to have been a fig tree! She also observes that it
was fig leaves that Adam and Eve used to cover up their genitals.
Note the connection: Eve, snake, tree, figs, this story. And in
this story, note that fig and snake are connected, and that the
"fig tree" attracted the raven (a very bad thing for the raven to
do), just as the snake attracted Eve to eat of the fruit (a very
bad thing for Eve to do). Might there be some kind of connection
between the Greek and the Hebrew stories? All Content © HiddenMysteries - TGS (1998-2005) Please send bug reports to info@hiddenmysteries.org
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