DMT & Reptilian Contact
I would like to inform you about a book I just read because I
think it may interest you. The book is called 'DMT the spirit
molecule'. This book is written by Dr. Rick Strassman and it is
a report about a DEA-approved clinical research in which he
injected 60 volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful
psychedelics known. His detailed account of those sessions is an
extra-ordinarily riveting inquiry into the nature of the human
mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT is a
plant derived chemical that is also manufactured by the human
brain. Many volunteers reported convincing encounters with
intelligent non-human presences, especially "aliens".
Strassman's research connects DMT with the pineal gland.
Halfway in the book he starts with case reports about these
alien contacts.
Important to know is that the volunteers not only saw these
things, but felt an unshakeable certainty that they actually
were there.
In a chapter called "through the veil" things really get
exciting. Strassman starts talking about the fact that at least
half of the volunteers
'made contact with them' or other beings. Some of them looked
like Elves, bees and reptiles.
You'll understand how this Dr's scientific mind really gets into
trouble handling reports of 'non-material beings' he was neither
intellectually nor emotionally prepared for making contact. Also
surprising were the common themes of what these beings were
doing with so many of the volunteers; manipulating,
communicating, showing, helping and questioning.
I shall write down some of the reports here.
There is a sinister backdrop, an alien-type, insectoid,
non-quite-pleasant side of this, isn't there? It's not a
"we're-going-to-get-you-motherf**ker". It's more like being
possessed. During the experience there is sense of someone, or
something else, there taking control.It's like you have to
defend yourself against them, whoever they are, but they
certainly are there. I'm aware of them and they're aware of me.
It's like they have an agenda. It's like walking into a
different neighborhood. You're really not quite sure what the
culture is. It's got such a distinct flavor, the reptilian being
or beings that are present. 'How about the scary element?'
Strassman asked. 'What's the worst they could do if they are
unleashed with access to you?'
That's what it's about. It's the sense of the possibility that's
so strange.
It was wild. There were no colors. There was the usual sound:
pleasant, a roar, a sort of an internal hum . Then there were
three beings, three physical forms. There were rays coming out
of their bodies and then back to their bodies. They were
reptilian and humanoid, trying to make me understand, not with
words, but with gestures. They wanted me to look into their
bodies. I saw inside them and understood reproduction, what it's
like before birth, the passage into the body. Once I established
what they were communicating, they didn't just fade away. They
stayed there for quite a while. Their presence was very solid.
I went with them as you suggested. There were clinical
researchers probing into my mind. There were sort of long
fiber-optic things that they were putting into my pupils.
These are only a few of the many reports in the book.
There are surprising and remarkable consistencies among
volunteers' reports of contact with nonmaterial beings. Sound
and vibration build until the scene almost explosively shifts to
an 'alien' realm. Volunteers find themselves on a bed or in a
landing bay, research environment, or high-technology room. The
highly intelligent beings of this 'other' world are interested
in the subject, seemingly ready for his or her arrival and
wasting no time in 'getting to work'. There might be one
particular being clearly in charge, directing the others.
Volunteers frequently comment about the emotional quality of the
relationships: loving, carring, or professionally detached.
Their 'business' appeared to be testing, examining, probing, and
even modifying the volunteer's mind and body. Sometimes testing
came first, and after results were satisfactory, further
interactions took place. They also communicated with the
volunteers, attempting to convey information by gestures,
telepathy, or visual imagery. The purpose of contact was
uncertain, but several subjects felt a benevolent attempt on the
beings' part to improve us individually or as a race.
After reading the reports I was baffled that so many volunteers
report similar experiences especially the ones with reptilian
Dr. Strassman also makes a connection with the alien abduction
literature and finds out that if you leave out the I.V.
administration of DMT you can't tell the difference in
experiences. There is a striking resemblance between these
naturally occurring contacts and those reported in the DMT
He is using the books of John Mack -'abduction' and 'passport to
the cosmos' I am not sure whether you know him or his work. He
gives a lot of examples of resemblances. It's really striking,
I think Dr. Strassman discovered something really profound. A
tool to experience the illuminates existence. It's blowing their
I dont know how open-minded you are about psychedelics taking in
consideration that you are always being watched. I can imagine
you will keep a safe distance as things like drugs can be used
against you. But I thought you would find this very
I just read on your site you are doing all the work by yourself.
For this I respect you even more. I would like to offer my
knowledge and support. So if you have any questions or need help
please let me know.
Best regards,
Book info:
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A doctor's revolutionary research into
the biology of near-death and mystical experiences.

Author: Rick Strassman
Archive date: 02-27-02
sent in by Peter
To HiddenMysteries Internet Book Store

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