Two positions on
UFO abduction phenomena
Subject: UFOR: Aspects of the UFO Abduction Phenomena
Aspects of the (UFO) abduction phenomenon are excerpted below from pp. 158-162 of Joe Lewels' book "The God
Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion" (Wild Flower Press, POB 190,
Mill Spring, NC 28756; tel: 704/894-8444 fax: 704/894-8454; email:; URL: single organization or researcher has access to all the abduction research that has been, and continues to be,
conducted throughout the world. Independent researchers proliferate, standardized procedures are lacking,
reporting procedures are cumbersome and, in some cases, professional jealousies prevent researchers from sharing
their data. As a result, generalizations about the nature of the phenomenon, the purpose for the abductions, the types
of beings involved, their origins, and the relationships between the various types of beings are difficult to make.
The most systematic effort thus far to answer such questions involves a massive study launched in 1992 by
MUFON, called the Abduction Transcription Project, directed by Dan Wright. Funded in part by the Fund for UFO
Research [FUFOR], the project collects transcripts of audiotaped interviews and hypnosis sessions with
experiencers, provided by well-known and respected researchers from different parts of the country. The verbatim
transcripts are entered into a sophisticated computer system for a multi-factor analysis of the abduction experience.
Ultimately, it is hoped that the data will reveal the true nature of the abduction experience and be able to answer
many of the questions researcher have about the beings and their purpose.
Through February 1996, Wright had accumulated 750 transcripts involving 215 separate cases detailing abductions
going back to the 1940s. Although this represents a massive amount of data, it is clear that the project is in its
infancy and that many more cases are needed to reach the point where the resulting analysis will have scientific
validity...At the 1995 MUFON Symposium held in Seattle, Wright summarized the project's findings, which at the
time consisted of only 142 cases, submitted by 15 researchers ...
An "away team" of very short, whitish, grayish, or bluish beings take the person from his home, car, or other
location. In 45 of the cases, the beings passed through solid walls or objects during the abduction and in 31 cases
the witnesses were aware that they, themselves, were being passed through solid matter, such as a wall or a
ceiling, and then floated up to an awaiting craft.
Wright reports that one of the beings heads the team and speaks for the others, always telepathically. A being who
is perceived to be a doctor takes over aboard the craft. This being is nearly always taller than the others and is
sensed to be male, although gender differences are not outwardly visible. "Often displaying a superior, no-nonsense
demeanor, he performs intricate procedures on the subject. Other beings of nearly the same likeness serve as
interns' or technicians,' helping to examine the subject. They are sometimes chastised by the doctor for lack of
precision. Quite often, one of these is sensed by the abductee to be female and is given the job of comforting the
subject, ensuring cooperation."
Sometimes, subjects report the presence of a tall blonde--an extremely tall male with human features that include
pale skin, longish blonde hair, and blue, green, or hazel eyes who stands nearby, but who serves no obvious
function. "Several subjects," reports Wright, "have been certain in retrospect that this was his/her real father."
In some cases, a "heavily wrinkled, old one" makes an appearance, but again, does not seem to be performing any
function. Two other types reported in the study were the insectoids or "praying mantis" types, which are described
to have a thin, skeletal body and the face of a praying mantis, and the reptilian types, which are described as having
powerful, muscled bodies, greenish or brownish scaly skin, penetrating yellow "cat eyes" with vertically-slit
pupils, and four-fingered clawed hands with webbing between the fingers. Often these last two types are thought to
be in leadership positions.
Among the procedures reported are the forced ingestion of a peculiar liquid, external brain scanning, internal
probing of the brain with needles or drilling instruments, implantation of small objects in various parts of the body,
and sampling of blood, tissue, bone marrow, and bodily fluids.
Forty percent reported enduring sexually-related intrusions. For the men, this entailed the placement of an apparatus
over the testicles and penis for the removal of semen and for the women it usually involved the removal of ova by
means of a needle through the navel. The women also reported the insertion of a very small object, thought to be an
embryo, into the womb, and subsequently the removal of a two- to three-month-old fetus.
Wright also reports on what is one of the most disturbing elements of the abduction scenario: "In three incidents, a
woman was forced to have sexual relations with a male abductee also onboard who appeared compelled to
perform the act, judging by his dazed appearance. Two subjects recounted that they were mounted and raped
aboard a craft--a woman by a taller figure with grayish-white skin, and a man by a short yellowish-gray female. In
a third case, a woman awoke in bed amid the throes of sexual passion to discover scaly claws at her private
parts--indicative of a reptilian."
In 40 cases, the experiencers received nonverbal communication in the form of visual images transmitted to them
either telepathically or shown to them on a computer screen, via a holographic image. Often the images are of other
planets, star systems, or extraterrestrial landscapes. Five subjects received images of Earth's past, "from dinosaurs
to early twentieth-century wars." While in 13 cases, there was "imagery depicting Earth's future. Without exception
it was an unpleasant sight: volcanoes erupting, nuclear power plants exploding, vast regions on fire, devastated
rain forests and the like."
Thirty-one subjects, both male and female, were shown a being or beings that were apparently half-human and
In eight cases, the person was taken to a separate room where they were shown numerous hybrid fetuses being
grown in tanks filled with a liquid. "An umbilical cord connected the pre-infant to tubes, which, in turn, led to a
machine. Thirteen subjects reported being presented with a "terribly pale and frail hybrid newborn and told that
s/he had helped to create that child." In several cases, women abductees were handed an infant and told to nurse it.
In those cases, they reported that "amazingly...her breasts were filled with milk..."
Three hybrid experiences involved children older than toddlers, one with an adult hybrid present. Eleven others
described hybrids of undetermined age, but all described the hybrids as being extremely thin, having large heads
with patches of wispy hair, and unusually large eyes that were either all black, like the Grey's, or human-like. "In
one cases, a hybrid child, dressed in a simple gown and adjudged to be of elementary school age, approached the
subject and said matter-of-factly, "You are my mother."
A few of the subjects in the study reported events that are hard to categorize. One discovered that he was able to
levitate objects with the power of his mind, while aboard the ship.
Three persons said that they felt that they (their souls) had been placed somehow into the body of a gray alien. They
recognized their own hands as those of a gray entity. (Since there were no mirrors available, they couldn't tell what
the rest of their bodies looked like.) One commented that his body felt "much slimmer than his normal stocky
Two of the three remembered that the purpose of their being placed in an alien body was due to the fact that the
ship was about to travel "inter-dimensionally" and a change to the body with a different vibration was necessary.
These few individuals felt a strong connection with the aliens and even felt that they, in fact, had a dual existence.
Sixteen of the subjects voiced a conviction that the "entities are their true forbears."
Although not reported in this study, past-life memories, out-of-body experiences, and increased psychic abilities
are also common elements of abduction cases...
S. Patricia Welsh
Forwarded message:
Subj: Mufon Abduction Study
Date: 97-08-15 02:26:37 EDT
The Hope Is That Statistics Will Yet Yield Understanding Where Anecdotes Have Failed
Afraid - 136 (88.3%)
Angry - 57 (37.0%)
Embarrassed - 18 (11.7%)
Excited - 3 (1.9%)
Happy - 14 (9.1%)
Sad - 7 (4.5%)
A woman describes floating through her bedroom wall, as if levitating into a beam of blue light. She recollects only
portions of her experience later while under hypnosis: being brought onto a small' ship by short gray beings. One of
the intruders appears to direct the team of abductors; Once led onto the craft, a taller being leads an examination
where intricate procedures are performed. Nearby, she senses a female being who uses gestures to comfort her. She
sees no other humans present.
To many, that story may be a familiar one in the realm of the human extraterrestrial encounter. But delving into the
nuances and minutiae across cases is where some believe real discoveries may be made. One large research
project in the U.S. today attempts to get at the particulars of the alien abduction phenomenon and to unravel, if
possible, any alien agendas.
The Abduction Transcription Project, sponsored by the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, is perhaps the most
comprehensive and ambitious research study to date in the field of alien abductions. Dan Wright, MUFON member
and board member, launched the project in 1992 with the goal to uncover commonalities in alien abductions.
"When people scattered across the country refer: to a short being in terms of the same physical characteristics,
garment and a certain 'musty' smell, one must pay attention," says Wright, project director of the Abduction
Transcription Project. Or if a tall being is wearing a black wet suit-type garment, is he wearing a belt? If so, does
the belt have a b!black box on it? Such levels of detail are required to begin' to grasp more fully and even, perhaps,
begin to make sense of the phenomenon.
Descriptions of an entity may include height, skin tone, garment type and garment color. That entity's behavior may
be described as caring, manipulative, threatening or humorous.
Entity Behavior and Entity Communication, for example, are among the 53 general categories Wright tracks. The
project uses verbatim transcripts from the abductee's or subject's actual descriptions, which are fed into Wright's
database to glean over 2,000 words and phrases used as descriptors. These descriptors are then classified into the
general categories or what Wright calls root factors. Topics here include references to the subject's description of
entity appearance, a ship's outward appearance, interior layout, paranormal* elements and post-event effects.
The Abduction Transcription Project is a private study which relies on transcripts of audio cassette-recorded
sessions from some 19 of the U.S.'s leading abduction researchers, many of whom are psychology professionals,
licensed or registered hypnotherapists, doctors, scientists and engineers. The project's contributors have included:
Ann Druffel, Richard Haines, Richard Hall, David Jacobs and the late Karla Turner. Many contributors are testing
their own abduction hypotheses. By not publicizing certain hypotheses, researchers continue to test their ideas
separately and attempt to make sense of the seemingly random or anomalous abduction data.
At present, the Abduction Transcription database consists of 254 cases, incorporating over 700 sessions between
researchers and subjects, primarily in dialogue from regressive hypnosis sessions, and some interviews with the
subject in a fully conscious state. While each researcher may use different methods and-.procedures, Wright:says,
the typical case may. stretch beyond 100 pages of data. Some researchers, such as David Jacobs, may just do one
interview session with a subject, while others, such as Richard Haines, often .ask the same question three different
ways to determine the validity of an answer.
Regressive hypnosis is not an exact science. However, because of the nature of abductions where much of the
experience may not be easily or consciously recalled, it remains one of the best tools.available. Cognitive
interviewing is another recognized technique where the subject is asked questions. As Wright admits, there is a
level of contamination associated with any research project; however, the project helps to overcome that by using a
multitude of skilled, independent sources.
Wright is in the unique position to draw conclusions or make detailed observations from the data, uncovering both
commonalities and anomalies or what he calls "odd factors." One example is a finding that the great majority of
abductees don't report seeing any railing within the spaceship or tour area. But Wright found several cases where
rail guards were reported and within these cases research has found commonalities such as the types or beings
found on these ships.
From his analysis of the case data, Wright is in a position to make fascinating observations about alleged alien
entities, their behavior and how they work. One thing is clear from the data: there appears to be a number of
different types or groups of entities with .varying abilities and significant evolutional differences. For example,
some a;aliens may simply place their hand on the subject's forehead to induce loss of consciousness or memory,
while others administer a liquid syrup anesthetic.
Interestingly, Wright says it is clear most entity groups use short 'grays' for performing the actual abduction. "An
away team of short, white, gray or blue beings abduct the.subject from the home or auto, but usually have no other
observed function. Additional entities aboard ship likewise seem to have more narrowly defined duties. Taller
beings are often contained within the ship and nearly always appear to hold the most authority. "One taller being
usually doesn't leave the ship. He is often-referred to as a doctor; but he's clearly in charge," says Wright.
Assistants to the doctor may be short or tall, but usually tend to be taller. Less appears to be known about the taller
beings who stay on the ship and certainly the media and.abduction stories tend to focus on the short grays.
Depending on the type of being; technological advancements and perceived missions may vary widely in the
majority of cases, abductions are made via a beam of light used for levitation, as a way to get the subject into the
ship, whether from the home or by being led outside to walk into a beam.
Beams are often white or bluish white. Odd factors among light beams appear in several cases where subjects
describe dust flecks or particles within the beam. "The particles tell me that this is probably a completely separate
mechanism for levitation," says Wright. Or in a smaller number of cases, the subject physically walks onto the ship
without observing light beams.
Wright has found few predictable patterns or broad commonalities` across the database of abductions. However, in
addition to the generalizations made here, Wright has been able to make some other findings. While a large number
of abductions.involve small craft with a single round room, a significant number involve larger ships with
numerous rooms, each for a particular purpose and separated by hallways. The majority of cases are solo
abductions, where the subject sees no other humans or human-like beings. Interactions with or sighting of other
humans and humanoids by the subject have occurred in one-third of the cases. Distinct commonalities exist across
numerous cases such as details of a hybrid's appearance or humanoid's uniform, or an immense cave to which the
subject is led. Paranormal activity is somewhat common to abduction events, primarily in auditory form, such as
unexplained footsteps or crashing noises heard in the abductee's home.
Odd factors include subjects looking down and seeing four long fingers, but being unable to find a mirror to look at
themselves. There are also instances where subjects are seemingly lured by animals, such as a deer or owl, which
are soon recognized as alien. "The notion of an animal is what is first plugged into their mind," says Wright.
Mental telepathy by thought transference is often described. Information is conveyed to the subject in an instant
from the entity. The aliens also have some mysterious ways at getting subjects to forget all or parts of an abduction
experience, apparently achieved by manipulating the subject's concept of time.
In many cases, the beings use telepathy both for general communication and to communicate to the subject the need
to forget the experience, rather than any spoken post-hypnotic suggestion. In a few cases, the being places his hand
or fingers on the subject's forehead, seemingly to erase memory of the-event.
Most subjects are unable to recall the entire event, but the great majority remember some of the onboard
experience. Some don't recall getting there or coming back, they just remember a few minutes on the examining
table, says Wright.
Of the proverbial 'alien agenda', Wright stresses that groups of beings-each with varying levels of abilities, skill
sets and technologies-often communicate disparate missions to the subject.
Contrary to belief that all abductees are traumatized,`probed or otherwise harassed, Wright says reproduction is
only one of several themes which dominate the cases, and a case may have more than one theme. The major
underlying themes are:
1) Reproduction-sperm and ova are removed, with the most common procedure the removal of ova. In some cases,
embryo implants are made and/or aborted from female subjects.
2) Connection to the aliens or kinship the subject reaches the conclusion of an innate connection with alien captors
which transcends this lifetime as a human. The abductee feels like a "fish out of water" in their own family, or
otherwise disconnected from humanity.
3) A mission-beings communicate lo abductees that information is being planted in their minds which they'll later
use, whether technical concepts, notions of some great contribution to society, human-alien liaisons, or other
high-minded purposes.
4) Destruction of the earth-the subject is shown images of future events, often involving geophysical. catastrophe.
This "save the planet" theme has nearly replaced that of nuclear destruction from earlier cases. Some are lead to
believe they will be safe or otherwise removed from any earth disasters.
5) Government's involvement-the subject sees military or paramilitary-military personnel working alongside
entities or is otherwise led to believe that the government is involved in working with alien entities.
Some 19 cases involve underground caves and in a few of these the subject has observed military working
alongside entities, often sitting at computer equipment. Separately, only two cases involve underground facilities
where the room appears manmade and not a cave. 'Men In Black', despite the popularity of the
mysterious.government agent image, are a thing of the past, says Wright. They don't appear in his database.
However, straight military intelligence or other type of agents do appear, often to intimidate the subject as "guys in
fatigues" says Wright.
Wright stresses that while the ongoing study uses quantitative analysis techniques, at this point the data isn't
statistically reliable or projectable because of the low sample numbers. However, patterns and odd factors found
will over time, it is hoped, help to unravel the giant mystery of the abduction phenomenon. To that end, :Wright
says, "The ongoing objective of the project is to provide quality data to participants and other UFO researchers
with a legitimate interest.
As to any grand purpose for abductions, Wright says, "I believe we are progeny of one or more of these groups of beings, that we are, in effect, genetic cousins. That is why they travel
great distances of space and time to get here."
Wright, and many others such as the late Carl Sagan, argued that abductions beg the question of "why aliens would
care to come to our star system toward the' edge of this galaxy to interact with humans, who, by all accounts, are
not at their level of intelligence or evolution?" One salient answer comes back to Wright's suggested rationale: we
are connected at a fundamental level with these beings going back to our evolutional beginnings.
Wright plans to continue the project indefinitely. Of the denial of the abduction phenomenon by many today, he
says, "over time, the great numbers getting plugged into my computer are going to wash away all the criticism."
Caring/Gentle/Nice - 87 (34.4%)
No Such Behavior - 165 (65.6%)
Marda Jedd is a journalist and marketing researcher. As a journalist her specialties are earth-bound transportation
and travel. She watches the skies from Minneapolis, MN.
Article under EXTRATERRESTRIAL INFLUENCES in ATLANTIS RISING, issue number 12 (Recd: 8/14/97)
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