If we are to believe the thousands of witnesses who have reported
such creatures during UFO encounters (descriptions which would either be the
result of a collective hoax, mass hallucination, or observation of actual
encounters - the latter of which seems to be the most likely), then one could
reasonably ask the question: "Where do they originate from?" If they had their
origin on earth as Brad Steiger suggests, then where on earth are the infernal
creatures? A better question might be "Where IN earth are the infernal
creatures?" Although the 'serpent race' has largely succeeded in evading the
scrutiny of most humans living on the surface of this planet over the centuries,
there are many indications which nevertheless suggest a SUBTERRANEAN connection
-- not only to a large percentage of the UFO phenomena, but also to many of the
creatures which lie behind the phenomena as well, especially the REPTILIAN
creatures such as those described by Steiger. Believe it or not, there ARE in
fact many more very well documented accounts concerning alien, non-human
'entities' -- aside from the one's mentioned earlier -- which have been
encountered in underground recesses throughout the world.
Judeo-Christianity has more-or-less associated the depths of the earth with
'Hades' and 'demons'. We are certainly not denying this, but we are offering a
much more elaborated exposition of this concept. Before describing these,
however, we will document some cases of reptilian hominoids which have been
encountered on the SURFACE of the planet.
The following accounts, which appear
in 'CURIOUS ENCOUNTERS', by Loren Coleman (Faber & Faber., Boston, Mass. 1985)
pp. 70-76, describe encounters with reptilian and/or amphibian bi-pedial
creatures of a semi-aquatic nature: "In 1973, during the summer, residents of
New Jersey's Newton-Lafayette area described A GIANT, MAN-LIKE ALLIGATOR they
had seen locally. Newspaper reporters wrote about an old Indian tale from the
region that told of a giant, man- sized fish that could never be caught. In
1977, New York State Conservation Naturalist Alfred Hulstruck reported that the
state's Southern Tier had 'a scaled, man-like creature (that) appears at dusk
from the red, algae-ridden waters to forage among the fern and moss-covered
uplands.' "The New York-New Jersey record, however, cannot compare with the
overwhelming series of narratives issuing from one place in the United States,
the Ohio River Valley. "
Over twenty years ago, by digging into the back issues
of the Louisville, Kentucky, COURIER-JOURNAL, I discovered one of those gems
that has kept me pondering its meaning for two decades. The interesting little
item was in the 24 October 1878 issue. A 'Wild Man of the Woods' was captured,
supposedly, in Tennessee, and then placed on exhibit in Louisville. The creature
was described as being six feet, five inches tall, and having eyes twice the
normal size. His body was 'COVERED WITH SCALES.' This article now makes some
sense. "And then almost a hundred years later, again near Louisville, there are
more stories of REPTILIAN ENTITIES. In October 1975, near Milton, Kentucky,
Clarence Cable reported a 'giant lizard' was roaming the forests near his
junkyard. Author Peter Guttilla described the creature Cable surprised as 'about
fifteen feet long, had a foot-long forked tongue, and big eyes that bulged
something like a frog's. It was dull-white with black-and-white stripes across
its body with quarter-size speckles over it.'
"On-site field investigations by
Mark A. Hall, however, indicated this 'giant lizard' RAN BIPEDALLY, according to
OTHER Trimble County, Kentucky witnesses. The Ohio River is Louisville's,
Milton's, and Trimble county's northern boundary... "1972... In March of that
year on two separate occasions, two Ohio policemen saw what has become known as
the 'Loveland Frogman.' Investigated by Ron Schaffner and Richard Mackey, these
researchers interviewed the officers involved but have not published their
names, instead using the fictitious names 'Williams' and 'Johnson.'
"The first
incident took place at 1:00 A.M. on 3 March 1972, on a clear, cold night.
Officer Williams was on route to Loveland, via Riverside Road, when he thought
he saw a dog beside the road. But when the 'thing' stood up, its eyes
illuminated by the car lights looked at him for an instant, turned, and leapt
over the guardrail. Williams saw it go down an embankment into the Little Miami
River, a mere fifteen or so miles from the Ohio River. He described the thing as
weighing about sixty pounds, about three to four feet tall, having a textured
leathery skin, AND A FACE LIKE A FROG OR LIZARD. Williams went on to the police
station and returned with Officer Johnson to look for evidence of the creature.
They turned up scrape-marks leading down the side of the small hill near the
river. "On approximately 17 March 1972, Officer Johnson was driving outside of
Loveland when he had a similar experience. Seeing an animal lying in the middle
of the road, he stopped to remove what he thought was a dead critter. Instead,
when the officer opened his squeaky car door, the animal got up into a crouched
position like a football player. The creature hobbled to the guardrail and
lifted its leg over, while constantly looking at Johnson. Perhaps it was the
funny smirk on its face, but Johnson decided to shoot at it. He missed, he
figured, since the thing didn't slow down. Johnson later told how he felt it was
more upright than the way Williams described it.
One area farmer told
investigators he saw a large, FROG-LIKE OR LIZARD-LIKE CREATURE during the same
month of the officers' sightings..." Charles Berlitz, in his 'WORLD OF THE
INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE' (Fawcett Crest Books., N.Y.), related the following
incident concerning another hominoid predator or 'Lizard Man': "There have been
numerous Bigfoot sightings in the United States and around the world. The
humanlike creatures are usually said to be large and hairy with glowing eyes.
During the summer of 1988, however, residents of Bishopville, South Carolina,
reported accounts of a rare breed of Bigfoot: A SEVEN- FOOT-TALL LIZARD MAN WITH
According to witnesses, unlike other Bigfoot creatures Lizard
Man has only three toes on each foot, as well as long apelike arms that end in
three fingers tipped with FOUR-INCH CLAWS. Only the second Bigfoot to have only
three fingers on each hand, and the first (known to Berlitz - Branton) to also
have three toes on each foot. Lizard Man is the most unusual Bigfoot ever
reported. "Seventeen-year-old Chris Davis first encountered Lizard Man around
2:00 A.M. on June 29. On his way home, the teen stopped near the brackish waters
of Scape Ore Swamp outside Bishopville to change a flat tire. While replacing
the jack in the car's trunk, he glimpsed something running across the field
toward him. Jumping into his 1976 Toyota Celica, he was quickly engaged in a
tug-of-war with the reptilian creature as he tried to pull the door closed. Then
Lizard Man jumped onto the car's roof, where he left scratches in the paint as
evidence of his attack.
"Hysterical, Davis returned home and told only his
parents and a few close friends about the experience. Law enforcement officers,
however, interrogated him after neighbors said the boy might know something
about the strange bite marks and scratches found on another car.
"Davis wasn't
alone in his report. Soon other reports were flooding the sheriff's office.
Teenagers Rodney Nolfe and Shane Stokes, for example, were driving near the
swamp with their girlfriends when Lizard Man darted across the road in front of
their car. Construction worker George Holloman also claimed Lizard Man jumped at
him as he was collecting water from an artesian well. "Investigating the area
around the swamp, state trooper Mike Hodge and Lee County deputy sheriff Wayne
Atkinson found three crumbled, forty-gallon cardboard drums. The tops of
saplings were ripped off eight feet above the ground. And there were, according
to Hodge, 'humongous footprints,' fourteen-by- seven-inch impressions in hard
red clay. Following the tracks for four hundred yards, the officers backtracked
and found new prints impressed in their car's tire tracks.
According to state
wildlife biologists, the footprints matched no known animal species." (This
'Lizard Man' incident was covered in one of the episodes of Tim White's
'SIGHTINGS' documentary, - 'MONSTERS' segment, on the Fox Network - Branton).
Some sources have indicated that these Reptons or 'Lizard Like' beings, similar
to those described above, have been seen in deep underground tunnel networks
below the general southwestern areas of Albuquerque (especially Dulce and San
Crystobel), New Mexico; Las Vegas (especially Groom Lake), Nevada; Salt Lake
City, Utah; and within caves in the Black Mountains between Las Vegas, Nevada
and Kingman, Arizona -- among other areas.
These creatures have also been
encountered, sources allege, in deep underground installations below the Mojave
Desert region of California... and even on the fringe of the desert itself near
Lancaster and elsewhere. In many cases they have been seen working closely with
the 'Grays', which regard these Reptons or 'Lizard Men' as being their
superiors. Researcher Michael Lindemann of the '20/20 GROUP' related the
following in a public lecture in Lancaster, California, concerning a woman who
had experienced an 'abduction' by the alien group known as the Greys, on the
outskirts of the Mojave Desert: "...Lot's of ordinary citizens in the Lancaster
area...are having close-up alien encounters... the first one is a woman with a
number of children who in 1972 was living with her then husband in Ridgecrest,
California... This woman had never read any books about UFO's or aliens, and
didn't have any interest in it. Indeed today she has not read any books. The
first thing she tried to do recently when she realized that she had had alien
encounters, was she went out and rented Whitley Strieber's movie 'COMMUNION',
the video tape, and she stuck it in the machine and barely a minute into the
movie she got very anxious and nauseous and ran out of the house. That was her
only attempt to inform herself on, let's say, literature or information about
aliens, and yet this woman has had astonishing experiences." Following an
entirely waking experience where she saw a seemingly half-physical or
apparitional 'Grey', near her home which faced the open desert (the nearest
neighbor being about two blocks away), she began having more intense experiences
which she knew took place - but could not entirely understand or recall. She
described the creature in the traditional 'gray' configuration described by so
many other 'abductees' -- short gray with a large head and large black slanted
eyes -- which in light of her ignorance of the overall UFO phenomena, according
to Lindemann, only tends to substantiate her story.
As a result of this initial
experience, Lindemann explains, she contacted a hypnotherapist, a woman who
incidentally had never read a UFO book herself. This psychologist concluded --
through various tests and observations -- that the woman from Ridgecrest was
entirely sane and sincere. Michael Lindemann continues: "...This woman has had
lots and lots of experiences since then. Her next experience was also a waking
experience which TURNED INTO an experience that she could not remember except
through regression. But the 'waking' part of it was the 'clue' that she needed
to start exploring her hidden memories. "Her husband went off on a training
program, he worked for a telephone company, (and) went off on a training program
for a number of weeks some time later, toward the end of 1972. "She was staying
at home with her children.
Of course because they were in an isolated spot, she
slept in her bed with a loaded shotgun, and she was a very light sleeper, kind
of nervous. "One night she woke up because there was 'rustling' in her room. She
looked and she saw what she thought was a sort of hooded, black figure over by
her dresser. It looked as if somebody were sort of 'playing' with her jewelry
box. And she of course felt as if someone had probably broken into the house.
"But as she was kind of thinking to herself, 'What can I do, what can I do,'
kind of gripping her shot gun, she made a little involuntary gasp, and whoever
it was turned around and walked over to her. "She described this being as
about...4 1/2 feet tall, very, very dark, with very... she said it looked like a
lizard! Very rough skin, big yellow eyes...not the huge black almond shaped
eyes...large, yellow with a slit iris, a muzzle, teeth. She said it looked like
an iguana. And she said that IMMEDIATELY she could tell that this being was very
menacing and didn't like her at all. This being was dangerous and nasty, and not
to be trusted. "She didn't remember what happened next, all she knew was she was
terrified, because this being was literally leaning right into her face as she
lay there in bed. "And in regression she found out the rest of that particular
story. She was floated downstairs and she found that some GREYS were PHYSICALLY
CARRYING her three children outside to a waiting craft.
She was levitated
outside to the same craft. "She recognized immediately that this black
lizard-like guy, which she later learned actually had a tail... was actually
WORKING WITH THE GREYS, but, she said, they did not (always) get along. It was
the 'Greys' craft... she was literally 'listening' to their 'telepathy'. They
were conversing about her as she was lying on a table in the craft waiting for
their decision on what to do. She became convinced that the black one wanted to
KILL her, and the Greys were 'saying'... 'No... not on OUR ship.' She said she
saw something horrifying at that point. She said the black one just 'swept' its
hand across the chest of one of the greys and literally tore the greys chest
open. It fell to the ground and she thinks it died.
She says, 'I know they have
GREEN blood, I saw it bleed.'" Before one feels too 'sorry' for the 'greys',
they should understand that many accounts indicate that the greys have
participated in unknown numbers of animal and human mutilations in order to use
the animal AND HUMAN secretions as a 'liquid protein' food source. And if we are
to believe some of the more fantastic accounts of crash-retrievals, such
mutilated animal and human organs have been discovered within or among the
debris of crashed GREY craft.
The 'reptilian' hierarchy seems to operate in an
exactly opposite manner as the Judeo-Christian ethic, and instead of operating
on faith, love and service the reptilian or sauroid hierarchy is said to operate
on fear, hatred and competition. Since both the Greys and lizard-like 'aliens'
operate on 'collective consciousness' and are neo-saurian in nature according to
many sources, and since they have a similar agenda which seems to be
imperial-conquest motivated, they inevitably work together in what Michael
Lindemann calls a 'wedding of convenience'.
From one perspective, one should NOT
see the 'iguanas' as being much worse than the greys. For what the green-blooded
'greys' lack in the way of demoniacal 'hatred' or contempt for humankind, they
seem to make up in their profound 'indifference' to the human race.
Over and
over again abductees describe the greys as emotionless and methodical, and
seemingly show no sympathy or pity whatsoever toward human suffering or death,
but merely look upon it with scientific 'curiosity'. Although 'hatred' would
seem to be the opposite of 'compassion', others would argue that 'indifference'
is the antithesis of compassion, caring or love.
From this perspective,
'indifference' to human life may be no less evil than raging 'contempt' for
human life. BOTH may be the motivating factors behind all kinds of atrocities.
In reference to the case referred to above, Lindemann continues: "...Her
hypnotherapist said to us at this point, 'You know, you really ought to
understand that this woman is a very, very good hypnotic subject and she
actually re-lives her experiences in real time in the first person.
She goes
through all of the emotions and she has incredible recall of detail.' ...she
says...as a therapist of long standing she has no reason to doubt that the
detail that this woman brings forward is essentially accurate. It matches of
course in many, many particulars the kind of information that other abductees
have also told. "...One of the other disturbing things that this woman has
mentioned...is that in other sessions where she was abducted, she found herself
in an underground facility which she feels quite certain was at George Air Force
Base where she grew up. And in that facility underground she saw the greys were
working side by side with human military personnel.
And we do have other
reports, not only 'we' but many people who study the abduction phenomena,
collective reports indicating that the abduction phenomenon is occurring right
under the noses of our own officials, that there is apparently some agreement
operating here..." The above account would seem to confirm that the SAURIAN
GREYS (which are basically neo-saurian or reptilian in configuration according
to alleged government autopsies) are being used by their larger reptilian
superiors as the 'technical brains' behind some hidden agenda, and as a type of
cosmic 'double agent' race. Numerous accounts indicate that the Greys are
willfully subservient to the larger 'Draconian' entities and, because of the
OUTWARDLY less-intimidating through nevertheless frightening appearance, the
greys are used to 'interface' with U.S. military personnel.
Also, many
individuals within 'deep' military organizations have since come forward and
implied that the 'Greys' used these interactions to establish foot- in-the-door
treaties with the Military which were never meant to be honored, but were used
only as 'platforms' to get control, via implantation and so on, of sensitive
government-military personnel.
The Greys are said to have used deception
profusely to get their way. Part of the reason why the 'agreements' continue
even after the 'Grand Deception' was discovered, some suggest, is simply because
the greys have 'taken over' the minds of certain officials in high government
This continued 'pact' with the serpent race may also, in part, be
explained by the malevolent influence of the 'Jesuit-Illuminati' or the 'Serpent
Cult' in certain policy making groups such as 'MJ-12', the Jason Society, etc.
The following article describes what might be a similar group of beings as the
'Lizard Men' described earlier, although these creatures seem to have been
somewhat more human-size in their configuration and apparently intent on passing
themselves off as human-like entities.
The account appeared in the Omaha,
Nebraska 'METRO UPDATE' for Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 1990. Written by reporter Patricia
C. Ress, the article was titled: 'LINCOLN MAN RECOUNTS ABDUCTIONS BY ALIENS':
"People have been talking about flying saucers for about 45 years now -- longer
if you count the reports of the so-called 'foo fighters' seen by pilots on both
sides during World War II. But within the past 20 years we've been hearing more
about a more frightening side to these visitations - abduction by aliens.
most famous case was that of Barney and Betty Hill, two New Englanders returning
home from vacation and unable to account for a large block of missing time.
Under hypnosis, a very frightening and detailed account of alien abduction
emerged. Later there was Betty Andreason, who told of aliens who took her
through walls and closed doors. "Then came Budd Hopkins, who made a study of
such abductions and chronicled one case in 'INTRUDERS-THE INCREDIBLE VISITATIONS
{continued} - Go to Part 3
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