RV-ing the Grey Collective
by "Branton"
I recently came across an interesting volume titled COSMIC VOYAGE, by Mr.
Courtney M. Brown, Ph.D. This work deals with the authors' personal
experiments with remote viewing, along with his trainer, a former remote
viewer for the U.S. Military who taught him the secret military RV
From my own perspective, remote viewing operates through the subspace body
of a human being who is able to tap-in to the universal psionic field.
Since the psionic field is the very foundation of all space-time-material
reality, the so-called " master program" of the universe, it is not
necessarily bound by the limits of space, time and matter. Like a
bio-chemical radio transceiver, some individuals -- for better or for worse
-- have the ability to "tune-in" to and "surf" the universal consciousness,
the "flowline", or the Akasha memory matrix, to specific places in space
and time. One of the "targets" which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent
him to was the Grey aliens' collective mind.
Shortly after this particular experiment began (one of many), Brown found
himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not
know exactly where this was. He "followed" the collective mind and found it
to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded,
and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite
"heartbeat" of this collective matrix, into which and out from which a
steady stream of information was flowing.
He noticed, at one point, an unusual "subspace" being that seemed to be
directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that
the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such "subspace"
beings which entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels
to manipulate physical reality.
Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently
controlled the Grey collective from a subspace level, and found himself in
an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were
located. As he continued towards this "center" the number of subspace
beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like
a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active
in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed
that the closer he came to the control "center" the more he sensed a rigid
atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was
the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the
center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very
high-level subspace beings congregated. These were apparently the governing
principalities who were engaged running the whole operation. The security
here was absolutely incredible.
Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 subspace
entities...and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his
body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of
his subspace body, and had followed this RV "intruder" back to his physical
source. Brown and his trainer felt a deep, dark "cloud" enter the room and
it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left,
apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting
its time on.
Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to
perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was
an extremely powerful being, but with a twisted personality that was full
of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another
Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed in this being a severe
self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this
it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused
when he sensed that the subspace beings and in turn the Reptilians/Greys
were COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self- indulgent and destructive
activities. This being wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or
fear to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its
empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy and in turn
the Grey society that they completely infested.
Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived
NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its
ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its
very survival or existence (strange for a seemingly immortal subspace
being) and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate
attempt to take control of the situation. Brown received a strong
impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!!
Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble
itself before its "enemy".
Now if we go to the book of Revelation, chapter 12, we find that the
ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective is Lucifer, also known as
the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan" in the
same chapter. Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (aside from
Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the light beings
who the Almighty had created.
Now if you're a hard-core evolutionist you may not want to suffer through
the rest of this message, as physical evolution cannot account for spirit
entities, nor for the human soul for that matter. As for myself, I have a
"creationist-evolutionist" concept of reality, or that life in this
universe was "created" and then left to "evolve" from there in various
directions which the Creator allowed.
Lucifer, as most may know from theological and eschatological traditions,
reflected the infinite "light" of the Creator with great brilliance, and
therefore the name Lucifer, meaning "light bearer" -- "bearer" being the
operative word here. Lucifer reflected the light of the Almighty like a
diamond reflects the light of the Sun. However, Lucifer began taking his
eyes off of the SOURCE and began giving HIMSELF credit for the "light" that
he bore (I use the term "he" for semantic reasons only, although this being
-- as well as the Godhead -- are not necessarily beings of gender from my
own understanding), and the next step was inevitable -- jealousy of the
Almighty's position.
Now I realize that many of you have different concepts of "God", however
let us just take part in a thought experiment for a moment. If one accepts
the concept of a "Trinity", then one cannot accuse God of vainglory, for
the Father is ever seeking to glorify the Son (the Logos or the Living
Word) and the Spirit (which the Father and the "Son of God" share). The
same holds true with the Son and the Spirit seeking to give glory to their
other two counterparts in the Godhead. How can God be three distinct
personalities yet one single "God"? (the pleural "Eloheim" God AND the
singular "Jehovah" God at the same time?). One might just as well ask, how
can the universe be "one" universe yet consist of space, time and
matter...three distinct aspects, yet take one away and the singular
universe ceases to be? We can also use the "trinities" of
ultraviolet-visible- infrared (LIGHT - and imitating the Father, Son and
Spirit one kind of light is invisible, one is visible, and one is felt); or
length-width-height (SPACE); past-present-future (TIME); energy-
motional-phenomena (MATTER), proton-neutron-electron (ATOMS), and other
"triune" manifest-ations in nature such as in humans themselves: the
physical-material body, the soular-mental body, and the astral-spirit body
and the sublevels of each of these three distinctions...we ourselves being
three-in-one beings.
If I'm beginning to sound preachy, then please bear with me. I believe that
many of you will agree that the Grey phenomena has both a physical and
supernatural nature, and that we cannot fully understand one without
accepting the other. One could equate this to the division within the UFO
research community in the 1950's and 1960's over whether UFO's were nuts
and bolts craft or ethereal supernatural manifestations. Well...why not
So then, Lucifer, in his jealousy, rallies his followers (one- third of the
angelic beings) together and convinced them that God is being unjust, that
He's holding out on them and that he (Lucifer) has as much a right to be
Almighty God as does God Almighty Himself. In addition to this, Lucifer
tells his followers that they too can be Almighty Gods, all they have to do
is follow him.
Now, promising them godhood is very strange, since the more "gods" there
are the more the term "God" loses its singular distinction. It's like a
potential president promising every U.S. voter that if he is elected then
he will simultaneously make all of those who voted for him Presidents of
the United States! Do you see the insanity? Perhaps not, but it seems to be
obvious to me. You see, from my perspective if we are all gods then there
is NO God. Pantheism must ultimately lead to Atheism. If that's the way you
wish to believe then you certainly have the free choice to do so...But I'm
only trying to make a point that according to traditional Judeo-Christian
eschatological beliefs, this is the deception that Lucifer used to gain his
recruits. Now you can accept this or leave it as you will, I'm not trying
to force any beliefs upon anyone, just attempting to open up some
discussion on the possible nature of the supernatural forces motivating the
Greys' collective. Since "theological" manipulation is a major part of the
Greys' agenda, the eschatological factor is one that must be dealt with in
order to understand the rest.
So the rebellion began, and the heavens were torn in two as the standing
and fallen angelics warred with each other, resulting in the fallen angels
being cast from the realm of Eternity and into the physical universe. Could
the "subspace" beings described by Courtney Brown be fallen light beings or
Brown stated that this "leader" had his followers incarnate the reptilian
Greys, and had ordered them to sabotage their race. The fourth planet of
Zeta II Reticuli was the Greys' "home world", however Zeta II Reticuli is a
star lacking in sufficient carbon content to allow for the natural
development of carbon-based life, so the Greys must have colonized that
world sometime in the past.
The subspace beings, according to Brown, animated themselves through the
Greys and turned them to a mindset of self- indulgence, which in turn led
to the drive within the Greys for immediate gratification at the expense of
their future and their world's resources (sound familiar?). Once their
world had become a polluted, radioactive ruin which was threatening their
very genetic survival, the subspace beings under the command of their
"leader" offered a solution -- all the Greys had to do to survive was to
give up all individual rights and emotions, and submit to a collective mind
which would control every aspect of the Greys' culture -- for their own
"good" of course, they were told. Using the excuse that individuality was
the root of the problem, the subspace collective took things to the
opposite extreme and insisted that an absolute collective mind was the
In other RV experiments Brown saw humanoids living on Mars in some past
era. A large planetoid grazed the atmosphere with such violence -- barely
missing the surface -- that storm of enormous magnitude swept across the
surface and much of the atmosphere itself was blown out into space. The
Greys (who were observing this event and could have prevented the disaster)
arrived as the planet was in the midst of upheaval, and offered to rescue
the Martians, but at a price -- namely that the Martian humanoids surrender
to the control of the Greys' collective and others be cryogenically
preserved in order to "preserve" their race. Actually according to Brown
the main purpose of the cryogenic project was to "preserve" them as sources
for genetic materials to upgrade the Greys' race from time to time. This
occurred mostly after the humans had escaped underground and were desperate
for survival -- every day being a struggle for existence. NOW, according to
Brown, Mars is under the control of the Greys, although some pockets of
humans and "hybrids" remain in various places underground. Other sources
claim that in 1985 the joint-operational "Alternative 3" facilities on Mars
were sabotaged and taken over by the Draconians (Reptiloids and Greys
serving the collective).
What Brown sensed was that the Greys were desperate. They realize that they
not only need to genetically upgrade their race but also need to attain
emotional individuality in order for their culture to survive (and this may
have something to do with the "hybrid" projects). However they are trapped
by the collective itself...there is presently a great sense of panic within
the collective combined with a bizarre sense of protection which the
combined psychic power of the collective provides. Although they are
desperate to attain emotional individuality which they are attempting to do
by interfacing with humans, assimilating human genetics, and producing
quasi- hybrid genetic offspring, they cannot fully make the break from the
collective without the help of those who already exist in an individualized
state, namely the humans. For those of you who are familiar with the BORG
collective in the STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATION series, certain episodes
depicted a Borg entity by the name of "Hue" who developed emotional
individuality during his captivity aboard the Enterprise and as a result of
his association with human individuals. He was later sent back into the
collective and introduced the idea of individuality, and in later episodes
gathered quite a following of other Borg who also developed individuality
and broke-off from the collective.
The problem with the collectivist Greys is that, although they need the
humans, the self-destructive instructions coming down through the
collective itself from the hierarchy are SABOTAGING all attempts to deal
with humans on a reasonable basis. Once they establish an agreement with a
humanoid culture for whatever motive, the collective commences to use the
agreement for its own imperialistic agendas, and the human collaborators
are betrayed and sometimes destroyed (as in the Alternative 2 and 3 bases),
and war inevitably results.
The only answer to the problem that I can see would be to concentrate on
severing individual reptiloids and greys from the collective and attacking
the "control centers" of the collective itself. In this case mere technical
and psychological attacks will not be enough...supernatural warfare will be
the only answer since we are dealing with "subspace" beings. We need the
help of the standing angels, yet at the same time we need to be careful
since the fallen angels are good at masquerading as standing angels, which
they have often done with those who have " channeled" these entities via
occult means, feeding them with information which has later turned out to
be false -- manipulative propaganda.
We must realize that the ONLY being in the collective which is allowed to
exercise individual choice is their dark leader, and to a lesser extent the
inner council, and these beings do NOT want the Reptiloids and Greys to
attain emotional individualism. But what about other "collectives" like the
Ashtar or Astarte collective? Just who is this "Ashtar"? Why is the Ashtar
collective so involved with the Dulce base activity in joint capacity with
the Greys and Reptiloids according to certain reports? Is it, as contactee
Israel Norkin claims, because the "Unholy Six" star systems of Orion have
infiltrated the Ashtar collective to a massive extent? What about the bald
9-foot tall Reptilian "from the Pleiades" who supposedly defected from the
Draconian collective, HATONN? Why hasn't Hatonn been warning about this
infiltration of his own collective? Is it because he is secretly working
FOR the Draconian-Orion empire? Certainly if he was truly converted from
the Draconian collective he could be a lot more zealous in exposing
it...especially its infiltration of the Ashtar collective.
If we are to believe reports of "Star Wars" taking place within Sirius-B
where the Ashtar collective has its headquarters, then this leaves open the
possibility that the Ashtar collective is in the process of splitting down
the middle between an interventionist faction siding with the Draco-Orion
Empire and a non-interventionist faction siding with the Andro-Pleiadean
Federation. Now for some further theological speculation...
In II Peter 2:4 we read that: "...God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to
be reserved unto judgment."
This verse is apparently speaking of the high-level leaders of the ancient
rebellion, who were so evil that they were bound in dark prisons deep under
the earth. However the Bible gives several accounts of fallen angels or
demons that are fully ACTIVE on the surface of the earth, so we must
conclude that these were lower ranking angels like the "elementals" who
were merely following the "party line" since they are allowed more or less
to roam about the earth freely. If such angels were condemned when the
first war in heaven ran its course, then WHY are they still allowed to more
or less roam free? Is God possibly giving them TIME to reconsider their
ways? Does the above verse mean that ALL fallen angels are irreparably
doomed, having essentially become spiritual "black holes" after they of
their own choice annihilated any and all "light" within themselves,
essentially leaving nothing for the Almighty to work with and therefore
having no hope of redemption? (black holes, once collapsed, can never
become "stars" again -- could a spiritual being collapse from a
light-giving being so COMPLETELY that it becomes a "black hole" entity
destroying and consuming all life, light and innocence around it? ) Or, has
the Creator in his infinite mercy given SOME of the fallen angels -- those
who still maintain a semblance of regret for their part in the rebellion --
one last chance by allowing them physical incarnation through the
Reptiloids and Greys? Could this be why the Greys are so absolutely
desperate to attain emotional individuality in spite of the restraints of
an individuality- killing collective? Could their very eternal destinies be
at stake?
A few years ago I would have totally rejected the possibility that some of
the fallen angels could be included in the plan of redemption, yet now I
Now before you begin labeling me a heretic, I would like to quote three
versus regarding the serpent race (Greys, Reptiloids):
"Now the serpent was more subtil (intelligent) than any beast of the
field...And the Lord God said unto the serpent...I will put enmity between
thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." -- Genesis
In its full context these verses imply that the fallen archangel Lucifer
was the one that incarnated this particular reptilian -- possibly something
akin to a veliciraptor or other similar types of bi-ped saurian humanoids
-- and in turn the entire serpent race, promising them power over man and
nature if the Luciferians could re-incarnate through their race at will.
Whether you take this passage literally or symbolically, the message is
essentially the same. Lucifer used the serpent race to deceive the humans
into sabotaging their own connection with the God-Source and thereby
sabotaging their supernatural dominion over the lower life forms -- and
from that point onward these lower life forms began turning wild and
untamed because the downward "flow" or Life and Order had been broken at
the human level as death and chaos began to reign. One of the races which
reverted to their base animal or predatory nature of course was the serpent
race which originally held a position somewhere between mankind and the
beasts, yet due to man's "fall" and the reptilians' alliance with the
Luciferians, they began taking the upper hand over the human race -- or
rather, the fallen angels began taking the upper hand over the human race
THROUGH the serpent race.
Today one could say that we see basically the same thing happening, however
in this case it is the "subspace beings" incarnating the Greys and offering
the "forbidden fruit" of occult-technology to those intent on using it to
establish god- like control and domination over their fellow man. As
Solomon once said, "there is no new thing under the sun". But the point I
want to make is that according to this verse, fallen angels have been
re-incarnating through the Grey (serpentine) races for quite some time.
And another verse:
"In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish
leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he
shall slay the dragon that is in the sea." -- Isaiah 27:1
This verse, unless I'm mistaken, is speaking of the reptilian COLLECTIVE
itself, which could be considered as a "piercing serpent". And then the
following verse, which literally threw me for a loop:
"Praise ye him, ALL his angels: praise ye him, ALL his hosts... Praise the
Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and ALL deeps." -- Psalm 148:2,7
Now unless I'm grossly misinterpreting scripture, it would seem that here
God is saying that the (fallen-angel-incarnated) serpent races are told to
praise the Almighty -- who after all was their creator before they
corrupted their own race. Other verses that we might add to the one above
"Let EVERY THING that hath breath praise the Lord." -- Psalm 150:6
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to
EVERY CREATURE." -- Mark 16:15
"And EVERY CREATURE which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I
saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." --
Revelation 5:13
In order to make the choice to appropriate the redemptive work of the
Christ, the Reptiloids and Greys would have to develop emotional
individuality and somehow become dis-connected from the "Luciferian
The former Dulce base security officer Thomas C. Castello reported his
amazement when one of the reptiloid workers in the base began to show signs
of individual expression and even concern for the abductees who were being
held there against their will by the collective. This reptilians'
individual emotionalism may have developed from his friendship with Thomas
over the period of time that they both worked together. Unfortunately this
reptilian and several others who had joined with Castello's "resistance" of
nine human base workers, were slaughtered in the Dulce wars by human and
alien agents of the collective.
Note:"The series V was loosely based on dulce reports"
There are other examples. For instance Bert and Diane Twiggs in their book
SECRET VOWS tell of seeing a smiling and jovial reptiloid security officer
serving on a space station maintained by humans from the Andromeda
constellation. Others have on rare occasions experienced encounters with
friendly reptiloids, but these are few and far between by comparison, being
greatly outnumbered by indifferent or even violently malicious reptilian
humanoids, no doubt servants of the collective.
Also, Stan Johnson in his book BIGFOOT MEMORIES (describing his encounters
with "Sasquatch" type humans from the fifth dimension who were in alliance
with human-like star people within Mt. Shasta and elsewhere) tells of a
visit that he and the Sasquatch people had made to a series of caverns deep
under the earth, inhabited by reptilian humanoids. Some of the reptiloids
they encountered were aggressive, whereas others were more mellow because
(the reptiloids explained) some time in the past some human "missionaries"
from the surface had found their way down into the caverns and had taught
them about God, and how to live in peace and harmony.
I should reiterate that although some reptiloids might be converted to a
reptiloid, humanoid, insectoid or other...for our own sakes as well as
Much of what I have written here is, I admit, speculation. These are ideas
that have been forming in my mind for several months now. I guess it all
comes down to the idea that good and evil are genetic (human = good;
reptilian = evil -- and face it, there really is not much of a historical
case for the idea that " human" and "good" are always synonymous) AS
OPPOSED TO the idea that good and evil are manifestations of personal
CHOICE and not manifestations of genetic disposition.
Fortunately the Luciferian collectivists according to Revelation 12 will
lose their powerbase in the galaxy as resistance to their atrocities
increases. Unfortunately however the central command of the collective will
escape to the caverns of planet earth, which will serve as their "last
stand", and according to prophecy they will begin a desperate program to
recruit Terrans through a European-based New World Order involving
electronic mind control implants and ancient roots in the remnants of the
ill-named Holy Roman Empire. All of this will be a last-ditch effort to
re-gain their lost ground among the stars. In the process they will
devastate much of the planet, but it will all be for naught as they will
lose in the end. The question is NOT whether they will lose the war, the
question is how many of US will survive these apocalyptic events. I believe
that this largely depends on the collective WILL of individual human beings
throughout this planet. It is not something that is set in stone.
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