~~~~~CAIN'S Birth through the SERPENT; that OLD DRAGON and EVE, brought forth
Murder, the Lie, Evil thought and Death into our physical world, by following
the Baal's, ultimately leading to BLOOD and HUMAN Sacrifce. Worshipping the
BAAL'S.. The Exiled Angels, Man's adversaries, which rebelled against mankind
had no power over us before the fall in the Garden of Eden. There were two trees
in the Garden of specific importance, one bore the knowledge of Good and Evil
(physical wantoness), the other bore Immortal or Everlasting Life (immortal life
Jesus offered). Later the Sons of God came unto the daughters of men and they
bore Giants, which with them came along hidden knowledge, levitation and
physical violence, which in turn ultimately brought forth human sacrifice, wars,
Early Worship of other gods came into being by the Fallen Angels who
had been hurled onto earth, This was the beginning of greedy and jealous desire
and thought within human minds. These entities, were the Devil, that olde Dragon
and his exiled host. In time the Sons of God descended onto earth and united
with the daughters of men brought forth abominations, retrobates and bastards,
referred to as perverted persons Biblically. Children in which, many were
incredible half human Beasts which were being worshipped as gods.
~~~~~~CAIN.. was essentially doomed to wickedness from the beginning of his
conception, yet, the Vita does inform us; At the time of his birth; Eve cried
out in pain and there came twelve angels and two virtues who stood by Eve, and
while the archangel Michael stroked her face, she bore a son and he was Shining:
and at once the babe rose up and ran and bore a blade of grass in his hands, and
gave it to his mother. All of the blessings necessary for righteousness had been
sent to him, yet his passion lie with the fleshly desire. Through the serpent,
Cain was the physically born son of Eve through that Old Dragon, who was in
reality called the devil and 'Satan' man's own adversary. [Reve 12:7-9] And war
broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon: and the
dragon and his angels fought, But they did not prevail, nor was a place found
for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of
old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to
the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. The seed of evil was implanted
in Eve in the garden of eden. Our adversary to life was in actuality, the tree
of good and evil knowledge, which Eve chose to inherit, rather than Jesus
Christ, the tree of everlasting life..
Through this connection the devil had
gained a foothold into the physical world, enabling him to put into effect the
powers of destruction to men, through men, on our earthly plane. The first born
son on earth was of the devil's seed.. The word serpent has many meanings, it
also refers to hidden knowledge, and, he who knows or solves secrets, which
includes many of the mysteries of the workings of the universe, many still are,
unknown to human beings. And, as long as we continue to confine our minds to
only the teachings of science, in which if it can't be seen, it does not exist,
we will never attain the knowledge of the universal workings, and, it is because
of the boundaries we instill on ourselves and our minds. In this way we limit
ourselves to only the mortal things of life.. I found it highly interesting that
chapter five of the Bible begins by reminding us of the Godly line: It clearly
makes no mention of Cain and his descendants, regarding any descendants of Adam.
[5:1] This is the book of the genealogy of ADAM. In the day that God created
man, he made him in the likeness of God. (in the likeness of God refers more to
the rightness of God's way, not necessarily to the physical attributes, what's
in your heart and soul)
Allowing us to realize that Cain was NOT of the likeness
of God. [5:2] He created them, male and female..and called them Mankind,
referring only to Adam and Eve. Adam lived 130 years and begot a son in His own
likeness, after His Image, Seth.
Cain's line was MUSIC (sound vibrations) and METALLURGY (weapons of war). Music
was of particular importance in ancient times, for through specific vibrations
they were levitating and raising the enormous stones, in which their temples
were raised. This unknown knowledge arrived with the sons of God who came down
and took the daughters of men as wives and they bore the Giants / Nephelim.
Among these alien nations were warlike Mars "Nergal", the knowledgable and
lawless Jupiter "Bel" / Marduk, along with Mercury ruled "Nebo" representing
science, the intellect and the brain. Through the manipulation of sound
vibrations the Tibetans also raised large stones above mountains with the use of
extremely long trumpets and very large drums, along with the ancient Egyptians
among other cultures.. ALIEN NATIONS..the SONS of GOD
In [Hebrews 11:3,4] Through Faith we understand that the 'WORLDS' were framed by
the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do
appear. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by
which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts:
and by it he being dead yet speaketh. In [Jude 11] Woe unto them! for they have
gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of 'Balaam' for
reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
BIBLICAL Gods in Ancient Time
Cain built the first city before the great flood and when Enoch was born, he
named the city after his son. This is most probably the forever ancient city of;
T'ENOCH'TITLAN (with the T being silent, lan means; land of /place) 'land of
Enoch', in Mexico. This was one of the pre-history beginnings of ancient
Civilizations descended of Eve through the Serpent. Most assuredly these first
cultures of the Mexico/South America's were regarded as the Ammonites,
biblically. Little is known of this culture, and although there were people of
Ammon living in the Jerusalem area, they also dwelt beneath the 31st parallel,
where the SERPENT ruled. Very possibly the land of NOD, there are many parallels
between these two cultures from across the world, they were connected.
Thus, the
Baal's, our adversaries began to demand BLOOD and HUMAN Sacrifice in exchange
for favors.. Go to.. Human Blood SacrificeThe city of TYRE was ruled by one of
the evil adversaries, along with the prince. The King was an annointed cherub
who had previously been in Eden. The sacred knowledge of the spirits which were
set over certain duties, were sought after, and many of the hidden workings of
the universe were made known through the serpent, worshipping the sun, the moon
and the serpent were in total contrast to the universal workings of God's reason
for creation. Possessing powers over things which are hidden and unseen for
monetary use.
The devil who possessed a vast amount of knowledge unknown to
humans, knowledge of the hidden forces and spirits that rule and control the
actions of the earth along with the universe. Much of the understanding and
wisdom the Creator himself possessed, Satan and his fallen angels were aware of.
Serpents are particularly important in Meso-American religious tradition. The
most famous Meso-American serpents are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec and Toltec) and
Kukulkan (Maya). "The Feathered Serpent name expressly means 'Quetzal
feathered.' Quetzal also means precious; a term used for an adored loved one. In
Maya, Kukulkan means; by pun and cognate, feathered serpent, precious sky, or
Sacred Knowledge." These combinations resulted in War, Human sacrifice and Blood
offerings to the gods, who in reality were our adversaries from the beginning.
Alien Nations and the Sons of God.. who brought forth the hidden
knowledge, and many were worshipped as gods and demi-gods.. THEY WERE REAL..THEY
WERE HERE.. Well known in ancient Greece, Mesopotamia and the South America's
l hope you've found the information: Not only
Enjoyable, but shockingly interesting enough to open up your inquiring minds and
revive your spiritual side. THE TRUTH 'IS' MORE AWESOME than the LIE..
~CAIN'S entire biblical recorded
history is hidden within Genesis chapter four. The only further mention of
genealogy regarding Cain around the Mesopotamian areas is through his near
descendant Naamah, the Ammonitess. She was a Demoness, one of the Queen's. She
came into men at night through their lustful dreams and conceived, she was the
mother of Rehoboam, son of Solomon. Cain was not conceived in a Godly manner, he
was not of Adam's Godly seed. Cain was of Eve (a human), and the Devil (or
adverse Spirit). Before the incident in Eden-the fall, Adam and Eve were
mentally spiritually pure. God would have accepted Cain had he been of good
character with moral descency, rather than being consumed by lust, jealousies
and greed. Cain followed the worship of the baal's.
Following the desires of the
flesh without consideration to human kind or the consequences. Cain's
Satanically inspired murder of Abel, ultimately cut his line to the Messiah
[Luke 3:38] The son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.
God brought forth a perfect replacement in SETH. Only after Seth's son Enosh was
born, we find that men began to call on the name of the Lord''. Later in the new
testament we clearly see that Jesus himself knew of the power the devil's evil
influence had over mankind. [John 8:19] The people said to him, Where is Your
Father? Jesus answered, "You neither know me, nor my Father: if you had known
me, you would have known my Father also." "I am going away, and you shall seek
me, and will die in your sin: where I go, you cannot come. You are from beneath;
I am from above: you are of this world; I am not of this world." I know that you
are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill me, because My word hath no place in
you. I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do that what you
have seen with your father. You do the deeds of your father.
Then said they to
him, We were not born of fornication; we have one Father--God. Jesus said to
them, If God were your Father, you would love Me: for I proceeded forth and came
from God; but He sent me. Why do you not understand my speech? Because you are
not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires
of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does
not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie,
he speaks from his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Jesus said,
"Most assuredly, l say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." I JOHN 3:7 He who sins
is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose
the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
Whosoever is born of God does not sin; for His seed remains in him: and he
cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God and the
children of the devil are manifest: whosoever does not practice righteousness is
not of God, nor is he that does not love his brother. Not as Cain, who was of
the WICKED ONE, and murdered his brother.
~SERPENTS were particularly important in Meso-American religious tradition, as
in many other cultures. The most famous Meso-American serpent/s are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec and Toltec) and Kukulkan (Maya). "The Feathered Serpent name expressly
means 'Quetzal feathered.' Was Cain endowed with wings as the mark God set upon
him, a throwback to the serpent in the garden of eden, while still in Dragon
form? Quetzal also means precious; a term used for an adored loved one. In Maya,
Kukulkan means; by pun and cognate, feathered serpent, precious sky, or Sacred
Knowledge." The ancient god was a feathered Serpent who emerged from the ocean.
[Micah 3:2-3] You who hate good and love evil; who strip the skin from My
people, and the flesh from their bones; Who also eat the flesh of My people,
flay their skin from them, break their bones, and chop them in pieces like meat
for the pot, like flesh in the cauldron." l think there may also be a connection
to the feathered serpent and human sacrifice as to the gods.. in Ezekiel 14:
Cain knew from experience that blood was the essence of life and maintained a
connecting force within itself that was perceived by God and his host in the
heavens, he knew this from his murder of his
brother. The Lord had heard Abel's blood crying out to Him from the earth. It
was a Satanic, somewhat rebellious worship of blood that was offered to these
adverse entities by Cain and his descendants. It was his perverse way of
maintaining his connection with the Almighty, while maintaining contact and
acquiring additional hidden knowledge via the adverse deities. The devil and his
fallen host, man's natural enemy demanded the lives and blood sacrifices in
exchange for certain hidden powers and knowledge in which spirits, nature and
destinies could be empowered to the will of man. Controlling the forces of
nature for the momentary benefit of one's flesh was highly sought after in times
of old, just as it is now.
being the first earth born son of a human being through the serpent, by the
devil's guile, a fallen angel, it's no wonder God was so angered. Although, had
Cain refrained from doing evil, God would have loved and accepted him. Just as
he loves and forgives each and everyone of us today. But Cain followed all the
ways of the flesh by following the Baal's.
Where Serpent and Sun worship dominated, below the 31st parallel,
also the domain of ENKI... The Mayan calender begins at 3,114 B.C. when the gods
came down to them. ~South American Cultures~ ~The land of Enoch; Tenochtitlan
lies underneath today's Mexico City, although to date not known as the oldest
civilization, where further digs cannot be performed. The information we have of
the ancient cultures that existed here, is undoubtedly scarce at best
considering what yet lies beneath present ruins. The collected storage of lost
and unknown knowledge, which many ancient cultures possessed at one time, but
are now lost, may possibly still lie below a yet powerful city. The Aztec's were
the first to use the term Mixica which the word itself incinuates a mixing of
tribes / cultures / gods), when referring to themselves.
The Aztec's with the
Mayan's and Toltec's worshipped the Feathered Serpent. The Success of their
culture was predominately due to their highly developed level of Technology,
economics and religious organization (heavenly secrets). The exchange of hidden
knowledge on the dark side for the sacrifice of men was common practice in many
cultures. The Aztec culture in northern Central America has many parallels to
the Caananite belief system brought forth by Cain through the devil's influence.
In order to receive the hidden knowledge, blood and death was demanded. These
evil teachings to mankind were considered by many men miraculous and desirable.
These gods being worshipped always demanded blood and human sacrifice in
exchange for the secrets in which to control and or change the forces of nature,
to personal will.
The will and desire of
lust always brings forth ultimate destruction regarding man's future. What the
devil regarded as a small exchange of information would only ultimately allow
him more power to destroy mankind in our physical plane, his forces were
regarded by many, as being the ultimate of power, but in reality they are the
lesser powers.
The AZTEC religion.. Perceived the relationship between humans and
Every fifty two years fires were put out, cooking implements, hearthstones, and
idols were
thrown out of the house, individual blood sacrifices were performed and a human
sacrifice was performed by priests personifying the deities in a cosmological
attempt to renew the universe, avoid darkness and avoid celestial monsters
coming down to eat all humans Berdan 1982:119). The cyclical conception of time,
mythological foundation of rituals, and active, rather than passive, posture in
relating to the supernatural" and preserving the universe were typically Aztec (Id.).
Human fate was influenced by actively performing rituals, and omens,
divination, and astrology. Deities were plentiful, diverse, and like Aztec
society were arranged hierarchically. The majority were human-like. There were
five directions (which included the center) and 13 tiers above the earth and 9
below (Id.). Ometecutli ("Lord of Duality") and Omecihuatl ("Lady of Duality")
initially created all life and produced four sons named Tezcatlipoca who
represented different cardinal directions and who were associated with different
colors. Two of the sons, Quetzacoatl and Huitzilopochtli created fire, the first
humans, the calendar, the underworld and its gods, the heavens, water and its
gods, and the earth (Id. at 120) . Four ages, periods, or "suns" of 2,028 years
ensued and were terminated with cataclysms. Different humans in each period were
destroyed or transformed. In the fifth or current "sun" Tezcatlipoca and
Quetzalcoatl recreated heaven, earth, and the inhabitants. Some deities required
human blood for nourishment such as Tonatiuh, the sun god, and Huitzilopochtli,
patron of the Mexica, and so war to obtain captives was undertaken and blood
sacrifices including heart extraction were performed (Id. at 128). Maya-like
murals have been found that indicate blood sacrifices related to religious
beliefs as well as battle murals. The codex survived the book burning of the
Spaniards. As in the other Meso-American societies, religion served to give
authority to the rulers and elites to justify war and provide social unity. The
desire to obtain captives for human sacrifice justified expansion of the Aztec
state and eventually led to the downfall of the Aztecs who made many enemies
among the people they subjugated.
~BLOOD was considered the essence of life, the most sacred: more sacred than
water. This culture cut out people's hearts. The evil influence of the devil's
desire lay with the destruction of mankind, and through torturous sacrifice's
many innocent live's were lost, and the cries to heaven for the righteous were
astounding. In these cultures the majority of sacrifices, were captured warriors
of other states. Once a year one captive was chosen and treated like royalty, he
learned to play gods Flute, for one year, (Jubal, the son of Lamech and Adah was
the father of all those who play the flute) he had great dignity, special
attention was paid to his clothes, he wore many jewels. He was very honored
during this time:
His reward was that upon his sacrifice he would go to the
heaven of the SUN. The last twenty days of his life he was allowed four women
considered to be goddesses. By the day of his sacrifice to the gods he was to be
spiritually willing. Aztec warriors also wore the skins of the enemies they had
captured for twenty days, the facial skin was worn as a face mask. They thought
in "wearing the skins one would obtain godlike powers. In the Bible Micah 3:]
Makes mention of this belief system.. You who hate good and love evil; who strip
the skin from My people, and the flesh from their bones; who also eat the flesh
of My people, flay their skin from them, break their bones, and chop them in
pieces like meat for the pot, like flesh in the cauldron. This is another
connection between the people of Ammon, the Ammonites, and South American
There's a 136,000 + skull rack dedicated to the great temple in the
capitol city. In 1,487 A.D. the city sacrificed thousands in one day. The gods
were then fed by human blood, the essence of life, the most sacred.. For
receiving life the gods ask for a small portion back. They sacrificed to all
gods. The Aztec's worshipped the feathered serpent, and the butterfly goddess.
Believers in practicing the art of blood letting, with the extraction of the
heart, death by drowning and stoning, then decapitation, and shooting them with
arrows. According to the scant excavations now uncovered and deciphered they
invaded the valley of Mexico on the high plateau in 1,300 A.D. and thrived until
They Built their stunning Capitol city of Tenochtitlan. Although with
present dating of the site only bearing an establishment date of circa 1,300
A.D., the theory of this being Cain's people could not be right. But on the
other hand, we cannot base all evidence on present dating, for several reasons,
but the most important being, only a small percentage of evidence of ancient
cultures has been uncovered, possibly as little as only twenty per cent,
possibly as little as two per cent regarding this area, along with all
execavation points. And even at that there are too many objects found still
un-deciphered, leaving yet unknown, the true meaning of the artifacts, the
buildings, alignments or the real meaning behind the structures, with it's
relationship to the solar system and or belief systems. And most, incredibly the
cover-up to the actual discoveries, meanings and finds. We already know that
ancient civilization after ancient civilization built upon the already old,
existing structure's over hundreds of centuries. Much as we are doing now,
dynamiting gigantic city structure's and rebuilding over the same sites. We also
know there was a great flooding over the entire world, how much of the ancient
civilization's have been carried away? The Bible tells us many, many Nations
were utterly destroyed, so to deny us of the actual circumstances of life at
that time. City/States dispursed over and into hundreds of miles of land and
waters, and eventually into the oceans.
There's evidence to support there was a
great volcanic destruction, and earthquakes in areas over the earth, with so
much destruction and devastation, cultures on the other side of the world have
been affected. The information we have of this and other ancient cultures is
elusive at best. The Aztecs adopted the ideas of their Predecessors and the
cultures around them and evolved them to further their own advancement. The most
valued works of art left were great carved stones including the well known
calendar stone.
The spanish invasion between 1519/1521 A.D. brought a violent
end to the magnificent empire. The last of the great Meso-American
civilizations. Spanish conquerors demolished religious monuments and used the
materials to construct their own buildings. The Aztec culture was composed of
many distinct ethnic groups. ~There are numerous Meso-American civilizations
that existed over millennia. Many, resembling the belief systems of human
sacrifice in the near east. We have to remember that while these cultures were
developing, cultures were on the rise in the near East along the same time
periods, descended of Seth. Pyramids in South America actually pre-date those of
Egypt. In the lands of the ancient Mayan, Aztec and Toltec civilizations
archaeologists have discovered amazing similarities in artifacts and
architecture found in Tiahuanaco and Egypt, offering further proof these two
civilizations had a common source or connection. Sacred books and folklore of
widely separated lands found in these ancient civilizations all tell of the days
when the earth was visited by gods, in clouds, or fiery chariots. These gods
along with the inhabitants of their nations descended and dwelt on earth before
their captivity or destruction by God during the wars in the Old Testament. Some
were allowed to escape before the destruction. Some were told to go 'Dwell in
the Depths' by the Lord, some of these former nations would be the now, still
existing ancient undersea remnants of old, possibly as far back as ATLANTIS,
underneath the BERMUDA TRIANGLE, "Flee get far away! O inhabitants of HAZOR,
these included BEN-HADAD, ASHERAH; lady of the sea, Dedan was also offered an
escape from total destruction. Many nations were taken into captivity, many will
be brought back in the latter days.. Many of these ALIENS still make an attempt
to remain in contact with humans, Many still want to breed offspring, which our
Lord ended during the FLOOD, along with our 1,000 year lives, a day in the sight
of GOD. Our aliens ufo's of today..
{Continued.... }Go to Part 2
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