Reptiles, Aryans and Horror
archived 11-22-99
Archive file# r112299a
donated by James Vandale
Reptiles, Aryans and Horror
CTRL archives -- February 1999, week 3 (#473)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
From: Andrew Hennessey
Subject: Reptiles, Aryans and Horror
-Caveat Lector-
There follows a fuller exposition of the Arizona Wylder video which
I hope to God isn't true.
Some people on this list have said that this is all real -
I make record of it here for the benefit of all concerned.
This account is based on notes that I took from the 3 hour video.
This video was made by David Ike and Bridge of Love publications
It is called 'Revelations of a Mother Goddess' [a title given to this
lady - one of 3 in the world]
and also accompanies David Ikes detailed exposition of this subject
According to the Mothers of Darkness, the satanic cult based in Brussels
who train and educate the MK child slaves as they are 'born to the blood' -
the Aryan bloodline is Alien to this planet - they were a Race fleeing the
Reptiles and got here 4000BC - then started mixing with the locals.
Red hair, Blonde hair, blue eyes they may have been of great stature
as recent excavations of the 8 foot tall Firbolg Knights in Eire suggest.
Then, the Reptilian species - who have according to Giza plain mathematics
come from the Serpens star cluster [serpens caput and serpens cauda both of
7 stars] arrived in 2000BC and as record would have it - infiltrated the
Human race and its social structure and began the hybridisation
One of which was the foundation of the Merovingian Dynasty [born out of half
man and half 'fish'].
There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock, and all of them have to a
or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer Reptiles.
The known shape shifting in human mythology goes back to North Africa, Tibet,
Maya, Rome [called versae pellis effect].
The Reptile species is apparently on a loser because it had been brought into
being in a very tenuous way.
Its mission is to bring its ancestors [thought of as daemons] out of an abyss
from which they cannot escape [Cthulu mythos etc] and seek to open up a gate
or portal Yog Sothoth to enable them to do so.
For this, they need lots of pure aryans.
The occult ritual and ceremony [satanic/druidic etc] they perform on aryan
sacrifices serves several purposes.
Because the Reptiles allegedly cannot call up their lost mates from the
they need the magical/spiritual properties of the aryans to do the ceremony
for them. They turn up - after ritual has been rigourously followed, and
give their special team of shape changers in this dimension encouragement
to carry on looking for the way to go with the escape of the 'demons' from
their abyss.
Various MK-slaves are there, some get eaten some get 'orgied' - flesh and
is devoured especially that of the sacrifice - a female whose combination of
blood; preferred menstrual [thats why satanic/druidic ritual goes with the
moon] - and with the secretion from the pineal gland stimulated by intense
the sacrifice drives the Reptiles wild with carnage.
The pineal gland or third eye in human terms is an alien piece of biochemistry
in the human race - as any biochemistry text book will tell of its reptilian
biochemistry - so it leads us to wonder whether or not the Aryan Race was
a phase 2 hybrid created by the Shape Changing reptiles so that they could
colonise this sector of the '3' dimensional cosmos.
Reptiles could do with a pineal gland - because they want its mystical powers,
but it looks like they have been unable to integrate this organ into their own
being - as it gives access to dimensions of incredible energy and spiritual
purity that would be a bit off-putting to a species hell bent on slaughter.
The Reptiles are trying to bring through the 'Old Ones' in fact as
by HP Lovecraft in 'the Dunwich Horror'.
They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim - in a trance of terror -
promotes secretion of the pineal gland - at that point, they cannot hold
human form any longer and shape shift in anticipation of supper.
They have a pecking order at bloodfest ceremonies, and seem to need more and
more blood these days as the planetary food supply is deteriorating in
[must be the additives etc]
They have therefore capitalised on every Druidic and Magical date to try to
get as much use out of the effect of the lunar cycle on female menstrual
They call this aspect of the menstrual blood Starfire, and indeed, one of the
people in the UK Arizona Wilder 'fingers' as a Shape Shifter called lawrence
Gardiner has written an article about 'Starfire and menstrual blood' in Nexus
magazine. he is also behind the 'Order of the Dragon' an attempt to assemble
and register the pure bloodstock of the UK in London.
A list of other people Arizona Wilder says that she has seen shapeshift
into Reptiles at these rituals;
USA: Bush and 2 sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and nancy, J Rockefeller,
Ford, Carter and LB Johnson.
EUROPE: Queen Mum, Queen Liz II, Princess margaret, Charles, Tony Blair,
and prince Philip, Zacharia Sitchin, Lawrence Gardiner.
The big International and Interstellar leader she says is a chap called the
Marquis de Libero - aka Pindar [phallus of the Dragon] who provides superior
seed to impregnate the specially bred Aryan and Bloodline Children with -
including - Princess Diana - who brought forth Prince William - Pindars son.
In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France,
green glowing flourescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be used
at that special ritual - whilst in the great heat, clutches of Reptile Eggs
The Queen Mother is second to Pindar/Libero and she is carried on a rich
chair before she changes into something much bigger and stronger.
At the ceremonies, volumous robes of red or purple richly decorated with gold,
sewn jewels, and embroidered fleur de Lys are worn, not any human clothes for
these would tear during the shift.
All the British House apparently have jewel encrusted goblets to drink the
from the symbolic female 'grail' and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of
a stir.
Arizona Wilder then went on to describe the appearance of the British Royal
when they have underwent the shape shift.
The Queen mum is 8 feet tall, with a snout, and fangs. All have a long tongue
with hair-like protrusions - with claws for hands and feet.
They have scales and these seem to disappear into one another, this, more
pronounced on the back. Some have vestigial wings, all have a tail usually
kept curled
which is whipped about when agitated.
The Queen Mum has a beige belly and more darkly speckled and mottled brown
the head and spine. The body has protrusions running down the spine.
The eyes are large and round, protruding, varying in clour from beige to
to yellow green - with a black vertical slit for a pupil - the eyes can be
Charles apprently has two large protrusions just above where his human ears
The Queen [Liz II] is much darker, all over much more homogenous in marking,
where the colours gradually and smoothly change to the head, tail and back.
Arizona Wilder says that the princess Diana death was a ritual public
to usher in the Age of Horus [Egyptian magical tradition - rebirth of the dead
god Osiris].
Because the magicians like to mirror dates, the dark goddess Hecates number is
13, which was why the 31st august was chosen.
It was a mirror of a Isis, Osiris, Horus ritual because 3 people died and the
unborn baby Diana was carrying was the very special 3 months old.
Apparently Baron Rothschild had to be in the tunnel at the 13th pillar where
the accident happened to take the soul of Diana - and indeed an ambulance did
arrive on the scene a minute after the crash.
The driver henri paul was Mind Controlled and trained for the crash.
Bits of Diana were then eaten by the hierarchy.
Arizona Wylder has said that some Spencers were there at these Rituals, but
Diana would not attend - and that symptoms of Bolemia and Anorexia were mind
control techniques used on her.
Wylder also said that the smell of Dianas periods would have caused Charles
to shape shift - especially whilst sleeping because the Reptiles cannot
retain their human form without concentration.
Arizona Wilder came across as sincere with this disturbing account and spoke
of the hideous abuse to which herself and her children had been subject.
I can only reiterate that I hope to God the obscenities mentioned here are
not true.
Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh Scotland
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