"The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link
to the Serpent Race" FATE Magazine, June 1996.
by Joe Lewels, Ph.D.
The following article appeared in the JUNE 1996 issue of FATE Magazine.
Visit the FATE web site located at www.llewellyn.com for more 'True
Reports of the Strange and Unknown'!
Did humans evolve from reptiles?
As long as humanity has kept records of its existence, legends of a
serpent race have persisted. These myths tell of a mysterious race
of superhuman reptilian beings who descended from the heavens to
participate in creating humankind and to teach the sciences, impart
forbidden knowledge, impose social order, breed with us, and watch over
our development.
The serpentlike beings were not alone, but were part of a retinue of super
beings thought to be gods by the ancients. Yet, in cultures as widespread
and diverse as those of Sumeria, Babylonia, India, China, Japan, Mexico,
and Central America, reptilian gods have been feared and worshipped. To
this day the dragon or serpent signifies divine heritage and royalty in many
Asian countries, while in the West, the serpent represents wisdom and
knowledge. The symbol of two serpents coiled around a staff (originally
signifying the tree of knowledge of ancient myth), known as the caduceus,
is today used by the American Medical Association as its logo.
Interestingly, stories of reptilian beings who exercise mind control over
human captives while performing medical procedures on them have been
emerging from the research of some of the best known UFO investigators,
such as Budd Hopkins, John Carpenter, Linda Moulton Howe, Yvonne
Smith, and others. These stories, told by average, mentally competent
Americans, have emerged independently of one another in different parts
of the country, but have not yet received much public attention. They tell of
human encounters with creatures that have distinctly reptilian features:
webbed, clawlike hands, large golden eyes with vertically slit pupils, and
scaly, greenish-brown skin. Such stories have circulated around the UFO
research community for years, but few experts have had any idea of how to
interpret the tales.
So unbelievable and so frightful are they that in the past, many researchers
merely filed them away in their minds for future reference rather than risk
looking foolish or being ridiculed. Little by little, at UFO conferences around
the country, abductees and researchers learned of each other's similar
experiences with reptilian creatures, and gradually the stories become
Today, researchers agree that there is a variety of entities involved in the
alien abduction scenario, including the familiar greys; tall, human- looking
blondes; the reptilians; and hybrids (half-human and half-alien). In addition,
there seem to be variations of each of these that imply crossbreeding and
considerable diversity. It is not clearly understood how each type interacts
with the others, although they are often reported seen together.
MUFON's FINDINGS John Carpenter has kept close track of the abduction
phenomenon. He is the director of abduction research for the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON), one of the largest and most credible organizations
dedicated to the scientific study of UFOs and abductions. Carpenter holds
a master's degree in social work and is a highly qualified hypnotherapist
who works as a psychiatric social worker in Springfield, Missouri.
Since the
late 1980s, he has worked with more than 100 abductees and compiled
information on hundreds of others. In addition, he is in contact with other
researchers in the field. He has been involved in 10 cases where
experiencers have described reptilian entities and he is aware of
researchers in other parts of the country with similar cases. Abductees
often have distinct clawlike cuts and bruises on their bodies after their
apparent abductions.
Carpenter summarized what he knows of these beings in his regular
column, "Abduction Notes," MUFON UFO Journal, April 1993:"Typically,
these reptilian creatures are reported to be about six to seven feet tall,
upright, with lizardlike scales, greenish to brownish in color with clawlike,
four-fingered webbed hands....Their faces are said to be a cross between
a human and a snake, with a central ridge coming down from the top of the
head to the snout. Adding to their serpentlike appearance are their eyes
which have vertical slits in their pupils and golden irises." Perhaps the most
frightening and most controversial part of these stories are claims that the
creatures occasionally are reported to have sex with abductees.
Supporting Carpenter's findings is a MUFON study that had financial
assistance from the Fund for UFO Research. This massive study, known as
the "Abduction Transcription Project," is an attempt to collect and correlate
information on hundreds of abduction cases through the use of a
sophisticated computer database. In July 1995 at the organization's
symposium in Seattle, Washington, Dan Wright summed up the findings
based on 142 separate cases and 560 transcripts. Wright said, "A fair
reading of those sessions indicates strongly that multiple groups of entities
have been routinely intruding into the lives of Americans--children as well
as adults ....When a so-called reptilian is repeatedly described as having
the same scaly skin tone, claws for fingers, and an extreme interest in
sexuality, one must pay attention."
The study's preliminary results indicate that reptilian types have been
reported in a relatively small percentage (less than 20 per cent) of the
cases being studied.
Whether the beings reported by abductees are Greys, blondes, reptilians,
or any other variety, the scenario of the abduction phenomenon is fairly
consistent among the thousands of cases studied thus far. In addition to
having numerous medical procedures performed on them, abductees also
report receiving information in the form of symbols or images, the meaning
of which is often unclear, but much of it has to do with future Earth
disasters. The beings sometimes refer to themselves as the "Watchers,"
"custodians," or "guardians of mankind" and all living things on Earth, and
they say they are preparing for the time in the near future when global
changes will dramatically affect life on our planet. In some cases they have
indicated that they come from various parts of the universe, including other
galaxies, or from "a very distant place."
In what is certainly the most disturbing aspect of the procedures reported,
both men and women abductees, but most often women, report being
shown rooms filled with hundreds of glass tubes where hybrid fetuses are
being grown, much like a hydroponic garden. In many cases, experiencers
are shown nurseries of hybrid infants or rooms full of hybrid children of
varying ages. Often the beings bring an infant or a child to the women to be
held and loved, and they are told that it is their child.
These events were reported by alien abductee {The Andreasson Affair} Betty Andreasson Luca,
whose case has been the subject of investigation for more than 20 years,
and who has been the subject of four books by UFO investigator Ray
Fowler. In his book *The Watchers*, Fowler reports on a hypnosis session
in which Betty remembered being told by the beings who had taken her
aboard their ship that "Man will become sterile" because of the polluted
environment. Further, she is told that there are "good and bad Watchers,"
which Betty refers to as "angels." She is warned that there are some who
are "against man, that will hurt man and destroy man."
References to Watchers, good and bad angels, and hybrid babies can be
found in many ancient texts including the Old Testament, which borrowed
much from older documents, including the Books of Enoch. The prophet
Enoch is mentioned in Genesis as the son of Cain and the father of
Methuselah, and he is believed to be one of the antediluvian (pre-flood)
patriarchs who, along with Noah, "walked with God" (Genesis 5:24; 6:9).
Books written by anonymous writers but credited to Enoch were given
great credence by early Jewish scholars and thus influenced the writers of
the Old Testament. Parts of the books of Enoch written in Aramaic were
found among the scraps of parchment in the caves of Qumran in 1947,
having been placed there nearly 2,000 years ago by a Jewish sect known
as the Essenes. These, of course, are the Dead Sea Scrolls. Another
version exists in Ethiopian.
According to the Aramaic texts, "Enoch was the first among the children of
men born of the Earth who had learned writing, science, and wisdom" from
the angels. In one writing, the *Book of the Watchers*, we learn that the
Watchers are angels and that there are good and bad Watchers. We are
told that the Watchers are angels of the Lord, "come down to Earth to
instruct the children of men and to bring about justice and equity on Earth."
But in the case of the wicked or bad angels, the science they teach turns to
wicked ends because of their sins.
Their sin is that they permit their sexual appetite to dominate them: "When
the evil Watchers descended and beheld the daughters of man, they began
to corrupt themselves with them. When the sons of God saw the daughters
of man, they could not restrain their inclination."
These Watchers fall from grace with God when Enoch travels to heaven in
physical form to testify against them. He tells God that the Watchers "had
begun to go unto the daughters of men, so that they became impure." As
punishment for the sins of the evil Watchers against humankind, God
humanity, including the hybrid race of beings who are the offspring of
humans and Watchers, by causing a great flood. The evil Watchers are put
into a fiery pit and imprisoned by the four chiefs of the good Watchers, the
archangels Michael, Sariel, Rafael, and Gabriel.
Another interesting reference to the Watchers was found in the same cave
as the books of Enoch, but was not known until 1992, when two Biblical
scholars, Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, published their book *The
Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered.*
Among the 50 documents released for the first time in this book is a
reference to the Watchers that is unique, for it provides one of the few
physical descriptions of them. The text, called "The Testament of Amram,"
describes the experience of a person named Amram in which "an angel
and a demon" were wrestling over his soul: "[I saw Watchers] in my vision,
the dream-vision. Two [men] were fighting over me. I asked them, 'who are
you, that you are thus empowered over me?" They answered me, 'We
[have been em]powered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me,
'Which of us do yo[u] choose to rule [you]?' I raised my eyes and looked.
[One] of them was terrifying in his appearance, [like a s]erpent, [his] cl[oak]
many colored yet very dark...[And I looked again], and ... in his appearance,
his visage like a viper ... [I replied to him,] 'This [watcher,] who is he?' He
answered me, 'This Wa[tcher,] ... [and his three names are Belial and
Prince of Darkness] and King of Evil.'"
What makes this testament even more intriguing is the fact that this little-
known character named Amram is quite an important personage. Amram,
it turns out, was the father of one of the most famous contactees in history,
the man who delivered the Jews from slavery in Egypt. This person is, of
course, none other than Moses!
If that were the only reference to reptilian beings in ancient texts it could
easily be dismissed, but the stories of such creatures date back to the
earliest human writings, those of Sumer (meaning "land of the guardians"),
Babylon (meaning "gate of the gods"), and other civilizations of ancient
Mesopotamia. Among the thousands of clay tablets that have been
recovered and translated dating from the earliest recorded history, are
documents that record events dating back 240,000 years. One of these,
the "Sumerian King List" , tells the story of the god, An, chief god of an
extraterrestrial race called the Annunaki, and his sons, Enki and Enlil. It is
clear from the texts and the illustrations left by the Sumerians that at least
some of these "gods," including Enki (also known as EA), were reptilian in
appearance. It is Enki who gave the first people the fruit of the tree of
knowledge and who later saved humanity by warning a Noahlike figure of
the great flood.
These stories are so similar to the Old Testament that one can only
conclude that the Old Testament authors borrowed heavily from them. In the
Sumerian tale, Enki is given the task of creating a worker force to help the
Annunaki till the soil and mine the ore for which they came to earth. This he
does through considerable trial and error, in the process creating strange
creatures. The legend implies that Enki possessed a highly advanced
technology that included the capability of genetically altering the indigenous
species. Using a mysterious process to create a claylike substance, he
was able to "bind upon it the image of the gods," indicating that Enki used
Annunaki genes to create a hybrid species. It also implies that some of the
early humans may have had a reptilian appearance.
This statue of a biologically credible creature, created by Dr.
Dale Russell of the Canadian National Museum of Natural Sciences, shows
what evolution might have produced if dinosaurs had survived. Its
appearance is similar to the beings reported by abductees. This photo [not
shown] was taken from the book * The Search for Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence *, by Edward Ashpole, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
As ridiculous and repugnant as this sounds, it is commonly accepted by
modern science that humankind's early ancestors may have been reptiles.
According to the Darwinian explanation of the origins of the human
species, mammals evolved from reptiles and gained dominion over the
Earth only after a great disaster of debatable nature destroyed the
dinosaurs. It is theorized that only then were mammals able to proliferate
and ultimately evolve into intelligent beings. It is rather remarkable that the
ancient Sumerian story of creation should parallel so closely the Darwinian
view. In both cases humans are said to be related to a superior reptilian
race and, in both cases, a great cataclysm eradicates the earlier species.
(In the Bible, it was the hybrid race of giants known as the Nephilim that
God wished to destroy.) Finally, in both stories, the survivors of the disaster
start anew, eventually evolving into humans.
In his book *The Dragons of Eden*, the esteemed astronomer Dr. Carl
Sagan speculates on the reptilian origins of humans and on the mysterious
leap in brain evolution that can be found in the fossil record. He notes that if
people had evolved naturally from reptiles, as Darwinists claim, it should
have taken 200 million years for mammals to first evolve, and then another
five to 10 million years for humans to evolve. But he notes with extreme
puzzlement that the fossil record simply does not bear out this conclusion.
In fact, the evolvement of mammals, and particularly humans, was
accomplished very quickly, "in a major burst of brain evolution." The
evidence for this is clear in the fact that stone tools do not appear gradually,
but rather "they appear in enormous abundance all at once." In frustration
Sagan concludes that "there is no way to explain this unless
*Australopithecines* had educational institutions," to teach toolmaking. Of
course there is another explanation, but not one any mainstream scientist
would dare consider. That alternative is to admit that God or godlike beings
had a hand in accelerating the evolutionary process.
Sagan goes on to puzzle over the similarities between the reptilian brain
and the human brain. He points out that at the core of the human brain lies
a vestige of our reptilian past. This part of the brain, known as the R-
complex (reptilian complex), is said to be the part of the brain that performs
the dinosaur functions--aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritual, and
establishment of social hierarchies. The middle layer is called the limbic
system, and is thought to generate love, hate, compassion, and
sentimentality--characteristics believed to be strictly mammalian. The
largest part of the human brain, the neocortex or outer layer, is believed to
be the home of reasoning and deliberation and "the place where we know
the difference between good and evil."
Once again, science seems to agree with the ancient creation myths, for it
was the knowledge of good and evil (given to them by a serpent) that
caused first woman and man to fall from grace with the creator. If the
creator was reptilian, then it could be that by becoming mammalian--and
developing a neocortex--humanity became less reptilian, thus falling from
Other ancient texts bear out this disturbing conclusion. In 1945, in a small
town in Egypt, a clay jar was found bearing ancient scrolls similar to the
Dead Sea Scrolls. These are known as the * Nag Hammadi * texts, named
after the town where they were found. They tell the story of human creation
this way: The bodies of Adam and Eve were overlayed with a horny skin
that was bright as daylight, like a luminescent garment. Thus, it seems, they
didn't need clothing. Further, these texts tell a far different story about the
tree of knowledge than that told in Genesis:"She took some of its fruit and
ate, and she gave to her husband also...then their minds opened. For when
they ate, the light of knowledge shone for them. When they saw their
makers, they loathed them since they were beastly forms. They understood
very much."
In another ancient Jewish document, known as the *Haggadah*, it is made
clear that the serpent was not merely a snake:"Among the animals, the
serpent was notable. Of all of them, he had the most excellent qualities, in
some of which he resembled man. Like man, he stood upright on two feet,
and in height he was equal to the camel....His superior mental gifts caused
him to become an infidel. It likewise explains his envy of man, especially his
conjugal visits....In punishment for tempting Eve, God said 'I created you to
be king over all the animals...but you were not satisfied....I created you of
upright posture...therefore you shall go upon your belly.'"
These tantalizing clues from the dim past seem to give at least some
support for the idea that today's UFO occupants, reptilian or otherwise, are
exactly who they say they are--the ancient guardians of humankind. If that is
so, then the theory that UFOs are piloted by aliens from other planets must
be carefully re-evaluated. But whatever the answer is, it is clear that UFO
researchers have their hands full in dealing with this enduring and
perplexing mystery.
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