The Great White Brotherhood in Peru
and the
Serpent Masters from Venus
archived 12-03-99
Archive file# r120399a
donated by Marianne
The Great White Brotherhood in Peru
and the
Serpent Masters from Venus
written by Mark Amaru Pinkham
Did you know that the founders of the Great White Brotherhood came form Venus and that many of the
branches of the GWB around the planet were founded by spiritual adepts associated with the serpent? I
came to that startling realization some years ago during a journey to Peru.
In Peru I had the good fortune to meet a Peruvian wise man, Anton Ponce de Leon Paiva and become
initiated into his esoteric organization, the Brotherhood of the Sun, an Andean branch of the Great White
Brotherhood. Anton was asked to found this organization by sages or Elders living in a hidden village
within the Andes. The Elders are direct descendants of the Incas and high priests of the Incan Empire and
have lived in the secret village since the downfall of that illustrious civilization. Anton's blind-folded journey
to the hidden village and the Elders he encountered there is recounted in his books The Wisdom of the
Ancient ONE and In Search of the Wise ONE.
Once at the hidden village, Anton was initiated into the Intic Churincuna, the Solar Brotherhood, which had
existed since the time of Lemuria, the legendary continent of the Pacific, which is now mostly at the
bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The Solar Brotherhood was the first manifestation of the "Great White
Brotherhood" on Earth (you will find that all ancient civilizations were Sun worshippers and that the early
adepts established headquarters associated with the Sun, such as Heliopolis in Egypt). The Solar
Brotherhood was first brought to Earth from Venus by adepts known as the Kumaras, a name which has
the meaning of "androgenous Serpents." You can find references to the Kumaras in the Hindu Puranas
where they are described as being the first teachers of Yoga on the planet. Current branches of the Great
White Brotherhood throughout the globe, such as the Theosophists and the Summit Lighthouse, refer to
the Kumaras as their beloved founders. These organizations also claim that one Kumara, Sanat Kumara,
has remained on Earth for thousands of years to oversee the workings of the GWB from Shamballa, his
headquarters in the Gobi Desert.
During his week-long stay at the hidden village, Anton learned from the Elders that the Intic Churincuna
was brought to the Andes by a Lemurian sage called Aramu or Amaru (the Serpent), Muru. Apparently
there had been a special convocation on Lemuria just before the continent's fabled destruction and
Aramu Muru and other "Serpents" were elected to take the records and power objects of the
Kumara/Solar Brotherhood to various parts of the world. Those who later became the Nagas (Serpents in
Sanscrit) in India, the Lung Dragons of China, and the Amarus in Peru, were elected to take the ancient
wisdom to their respective countries. Later, a similar convocation would occur on Atlantis with certain
serpent masters of that land chosen to take the Atlantean records and teachings to the pan-Atlantic
territories. These missionary Serpents became known in Mexico as the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans, as the
Djedhi (the "Stable Serpents") of Egypt, the Druid Adders of Britain, and the Dactyloi of Greece. It is
interesting to note that wherever the Lemurian or Atlantean serpents established branches of the GWB
they built temples aligned with Venus and the planet itself became associated with saviors and
immortals. The immortal Osiris of Egypt, the savior Queztlcoatl of Mexico, and the World Teacher Jesus
Christ, were intimately associated with Venus.
When Aramu Muru finally arrived in the Andes, he established both the Solar Brotherhood, as well as the
Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, thereby grounding the infinite light of the Solar Spirit in his new land. The
headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays became A hidden monastery in the Andes, the
Monastery of the Seven Rays, was built as the heaquarters of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and
served as both a storehouse for Lemurian power objects and as a school for the dispensation of the
sacred Lemurian teachings.
In recent times proof of the existence of the Monastery of the Seven Rays has come from a small group
who traveled to the monastery in the 1960s. George Hunt Williamson, author of Secret of the Andes, later
interviewed the members of this party to write his book about the abbey. One women of the group, Sister
Thedra, spent five years at the abbey undergoing intensive spiritual training and initiations. She had been
sent there by Jesus Christ who had physically appeared to her and spontaneously cured her of cancer.
He introduced himself to her by his true, esoteric name, "Sananda Kumara," thereby revealing his
affiliation with the Venusian founders of the Great White and Solar Brotherhoods. When Thedra eventually
left Peru, she traveled to Mt. Shasta in California and founded the Association of Sananda and Sanat
Kumara. Through the work of Sister Thedra and her organization the Kumaras have disseminated
information concerning their history and the coming Earth changes.
But back to the story...Eventually Aramu Muru became the first priest king of the Incas and was thereafter
known among his adopted people as Manco Kapac. Ka-pac means "spiritually wealthy" or "Serpent
Wisdom" (many of the great Serpents of the GWB have denoted their serpent wisdom by including the K
sound in their names, such as Kumara, Christ (pronounced Krist), Krishna, Kukulcan). Following his
coronation, Manco Kapac took one of the power objects stored within the Monastery of the Seven Rays,
the great Solar Disc, and hung it within the main temple of the Incas, the Intiwasi, which was built in
Cuzco, Peru. This Solar Disc had previously hung within an important temple of the Solar Brotherhood on
Lemuria and was an important symbol of the organization. By hanging it within the Intiwasi, Manco
officially established the Solar Brotherhood in Peru. Later, when the Spanish invaded Peru, the Solar
Disc was returned to the Monastery of the Seven Rays for safekeeping.
Before and after building the city of Cusco, capital of the Incan Empire, Manco Kapac and the Kapac
Cuna, members of the Solar Brotherhood from Lemuria who arrived in the Andes at about the same time
Aramu did, built many megalithic temples in Peru, such as those at Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman,
Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. These became contact points for visiting Venusians and members of
the Solar and Great White Brotherhoods on Earth.
The wisdom of the Solar Brotherhood was evetually passed down through the lineages of Inca priest
kings and high priests of Peru. Throughout their history, the Incan kings were always associated with the
serpent and wore braclets and anklets of slithering serpents to reveal their affiliation. Some monarchs
included the Quechuan name for serpent, Amaru, within their royal titles, such as the Inca Tupac Amaru.
Before the complete destruction of the Incas by the Spanish, the high priests of the Incan Solar
Brotherhood escaped to a hidden village in the Andes where they carefully preserved the wisdom of their
ancient organization. For many years this wisdom was kept secret until Anton was invited to visit. He was
instructed to take the history and teachings of the Solar Brotherhood into the outer world and found an
extension or "outer retreat" of the organization. This outer retreat, now known as Samana Wasi, became
located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It is both the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Sun as well
as a home for abandoned children and old people.
Currently the Elders of the hidden village are in close contact with many of the planetary and galactic
brotherhoods on Earth and throughout the universe.
Mark Amaru Pinkham
(Soluna Tours)
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