Genesis & History of the Cosmic Conflict
"This letter is in reply to your January 31 letter. Please forgive me for not
answering sooner. Enclosed is some material I hope that you can glean something
of value (from). Please be as candid as you have been in the past and if I am
far off base don't hesitate to tell me... "Our foundation has located a vast
system of underground passages in the Mother Lode country of California. They
were first discovered in 1936, ignored by all even with our best efforts to
reveal them. Recently a road crew blasted out an opening verifying our claims.
ONE (of the chambers is) 200 feet long, 70 feet wide and 50 feet high. We have
disclosed what we believe to be a vast subterranean drainage system (probably
traversing the Great American Desert country for a distance of more than 600
We believe this system extends out like five fingers of your hand to
such landmarks as Zion Canyon in Utah, the Grand Canyon, another runs south from
the Carson Sink in Nevada and yet another follows (below) the western slope of
the same range, joining it's counterpart and ending somewhere in the Mojave
Desert. We believe, contrary to orthodox geologists, that the existence of this
underground system drains all surface waters running into Nevada (none, with the
exception of the Armagosa runs out) and accounts for the fact that it is a Great
American Desert. The hairy creatures that you have written about have been seen
in several of these areas.
Certainly there has been much 'saucer' activity in
these parts. For two years I have collected material pertinent to these
creatures and if you have any opinions along these lines I would appreciate
hearing them. "So much for now. I hope that I am still your friend. Much of my
time has been devoted (to) helping a farmer near Portland who has made a
fantastic discovery of incredible stone artifacts. He has several tons of them.
They predate anything yet found (or accepted), let us say that for now. We are
making slow but steady progress in getting through the wall of orthodoxy. -
Chuck Edwards."
Several years ago, subsurface researcher Richard Toronto
reprinted a news article in his SHAVERTRON newsletter describing a Municipal
Water Director in Los Angeles. This official talked with a man who said that he
was hired by the government to look for underground water sources for Camp Irwin
in California. At one point the man and a partner came across an abandoned mine
and decided to follow it to the bottom. Near the bottom he was surprised to
discover an ancient earth-fault which was wide enough for him and his companion
to enter. They traversed this fault for a good distance until they finally
emerged into a huge river-cavern.
To his surprise he saw before him a crystal
pure underground river over a quarter of a mile wide which flowed through the
passage and out of sight. Since learning of this incident the Municipal Water
Director claims to have 'discovered' at least five similar underground rivers.
Some of these have allegedly been die-traced and were found to emerge from the
continental slope below the surface of the oceans, and at least one of them into
the Gulf of California. This might confirm the allegations made by one anonymous
retired Navy officer that the Navy has knowledge of a VAST system or labyrinth
of aqua-caverns which meander beneath the surface of California and even into
other western states, and that these watery labyrinths exit out into the oceans
via huge entrances in the lower walls of the Continental Slope.
One of the more
extravagant claims is that some of these aqua-caverns are so large that they can
be navigated by submarine, and that one nuclear submarine on a secret mapping
mission in fact became lost within the maze and was never heard from again. Two
American nuclear submarines have disappeared without explanation in the past,
the U.S.S. SCORPION and the U.S.S. THRESHER. It is true that one woman who
claimed to have had a very strong emotional bond with her husband who worked on
the Thresher, insisted at the time that she just 'knew' that her husband was
still alive after the 'disaster'. She said that she and her husband had such a
spiritual-emotional connection that they always knew when the other was in
trouble (For information on the Navy's investigations of the aqua-labyrinths via
nuclear subs, etc., see: 'CALIFORNIA FLOATS ON OCEAN?'; article in the March,
1980 issue of John J. Williams' "REBEL MAGAZINE", which at the time was
available from: Consumertronics Co., c/o John J. Williams. Pres., 2011 Crescent
Dr., P.O. Drawer 537., Alamogordo, NM 88310).
The 'Thresher' incidentally
'disappeared' on April 10, 1963 with a crew of 129 men under the command of John
W. Harvey, USN.) Researchers Will Carson and Jeannie Joy interviewed the woman
mentioned above shortly after the disappearance. She said: "...My husband was on
the submarine Thresher when it disappeared. I don't consider myself a widow. I
don't believe my husband is dead. No, it's not a matter of just not being able
to believe it, to accept reality; I just can't get over the conviction that he's
still alive somewhere. I love my husband very much. I know he loved -- loves me.
We were very close. We could always tell when something was wrong with each
other. Intuition, I guess. I should have felt something the instant there was
trouble, if he was really in serious trouble and knew it -- a matter of life and
death -- but I didn't."
"What do you believe really happened?" Carson and Joy
asked the attractive young woman. "Most people think I'm crazy when I say this,
but I believe the Thresher was captured." "By whom?" "I can't say for sure, but
there WAS a Russian submarine spotted near there that day (that is, near where
it REPORTEDLY vanished 220 miles off Boston harbor) -- only I can't imagine how
even the Russians could CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the
slightest evidence!" John J. Williams' source, the retired Navy officer (whose
credentials Williams verified), stated that "an eccentric billionaire" (Howard
Hughes!?) financed the false Thresher "recovery operation" to satisfy the public
and the media. Still more revelations concerning the Mojave subnet can be found
in Bourke Lee's book 'DEATH VALLEY MEN' (MacMillan Co., N.Y. 1932). In his
chapter: 'Old Gold', Lee describes a conversation which he had several years ago
with a small group of Death Valley explorers.
The conversation had eventually
turned to the subject of Paiute Indian legends. At one point two of the men,
Jack and Bill, described their experience with an 'underground city' which they
claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen through the bottom of an
old mine shaft near Wingate Pass. They found themselves in a natural underground
cavern which they claimed they followed for about 20 miles north into the heart
of the Panamint Mountains. To their amazement, they claimed, they found
themselves in an huge, ancient, underground cavern city. This account will be
quoted later on, however in addition to this, Lee recorded yet another story of
a Paiute Indian (not the same one referred to by Oga Make) who may have stumbled
into the 'deeper' underground kingdom of the ancient race who built the city
within the Panamints, a civilization that was still alive and thriving after
thousands of years. During this lengthy conversation wherein they first revealed
the secret of the underground city to Lee and others, the discussion turned to
the topic of a Paiute Indian legend that they had heard which was remarkably
similar to an ancient GRECIAN myth.
The Paiute legend concerned a tribal chief
whose wife had died, and who according to the tradition took a spiritual journey
to the underworld to find her, and upon returning with her he 'looked back' and
since this was forbidden he was not allowed to bring his wife back with him from
the dead. This legend would not be in the same vein as the more tangible story
related earlier in the File, as told by the Navajo Oga-Make, concerning a Paiute
chief who was allegedly PHYSICALLY taken into the underground cities of the Hav-
musuvs deep below the Panamints. After this legend was referred to, the
conversation turned to a discussion of an alleged subterranean race, who were
believed to inhabit very deep caverns far below the Death Valley territory.
Paiute legends of the 'Hav-musuvs' indicate that these ancient dwellers of the
Panamints abandoned the ancient city within the mountain itself and migrated to
still deeper and larger caverns below. Could the following story tie-in with the
Paiute legends of the Hav-musuvs?
We will enter the conversation with the
following discourse from Bourke Lee: "...The professor and Jack and Bill sat in
the little canvas house in Emigrant Canyon and heard the legend all the way
through. The professor said, 'That story, in its essentials, is the story of
Orpheus and Eurydice.' "'Yes,' I said. 'It's also a Paiute legend. Some Indians
told that legend to John Wesley Powell in the sixties.' "'That's very
interesting,' said the professor. 'It's so close a parallel to Orpheus and
Eurydice that the story might well have been lifted bodily from the Greeks.'
"Jack said, 'I wouldn't be surprised. I knew a Greek. I forgot his name, but he
ran a restaurant in almost every mining town I ever was in. He was an extensive
wanderer. The Greeks are great travelers.' "Bill said, 'They don't mean
restaurant Greeks. The Greeks they're talking about have been dead for thousands
of years.' "'What of it?' asked Jack, 'maybe the early Greeks was great
travelers, too.' "The professor said, 'It's very interesting.' "'Now! About that
tunnel,' said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a frown. 'You said this Indian
went through a tunnel into a strange country, didn't you?' "'Yes,' I said. 'I
think I called it a cave or a cavern, but I suppose a miner would call it a
tunnel. Why?' "'Here's a funny thing,' said Bill. 'This Indian trapper living
right across the canyon has a story about a tunnel, an it's not a thousand years
old either. Tom Wilson told me that his grandfather went through this tunnel and
disappeared. He was gone three years, an when he came back he said he'd been in
a strange country livin among strange people. That tunnel is supposed to be
somewhere in the Panamints not awful far from where we're sitting. Now! What do
you make of that?' "Jack said, 'I think Tom's grandfather was an awful liar.' "I
said, 'Tom's grandfather lived when the Paiutes were keeping their tribal lore
alive. He probably knew the old legend. Powell heard it in Nevada only
sixty-five years ago.' "'It's very interesting,' said the professor. "'I got an
idea about it,' said Bill, thoughtfully. 'Tom's grandfather might have wandered
into some tunnel all goofy from chewing jimson weed and then come out an found
some early whites an stayed with them. Tom told me that the people spoke a queer
language and ate food that was new to his grandfather an wore leather clothes.
They had horses and they had gold. It might have been a party in Panamint
Valley, or even early explorers or early settlers in Owens Valley. How about
that?' "Jack said, 'Yeah. The Spaniards was in here, too. So it might have been
Spaniards or the early Greeks. And, where is this tunnel? And why did Tom's
grandfather have trouble speaking the language? This is an entirely different
story than the one Buck told. We are arriving at no place at all with these
Indians and Greeks... To return for a moment to our discussion of geology,
professor; have you been in Nevada much?'" From here the conversation took off
in an entirely new direction... Not only human 'UFOnauts' have been encountered
in the Mojave Desert region, but the so-called GRAYS as well. Is it possible
that the GRAYS had their genesis on planet earth thousands of years ago the
'Nordics' apparently did?
This is the opinion of researcher Brad Steiger who is
convinced that the GRAYS are actually descended from a mutation of the saurian
race which mysteriously 'disappeared' from the earth, therefore giving rise to
the theory that they became 'extinct' in spite of the fact that other saurians
like the crocodiles, alligators and iguanas continued to survive. In 1967, UFO
researcher Brad Steiger co-authored (with Joan Whritenour - later Joan
O'Connell) a book titled: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE.
Regarding the intentions
of many of the occupants behind the phenomena, Steiger and Whritenour stated:
"...Certain saucer cultists, who have been expecting space brethren to bring
along some pie in the sky, continue to deliver saucer-inspired sermons on the
theme that the saucers come to bring starry salvation to a troubled world. The
self-appointed ministers who preach this extraordinary brand of evangelism
ignore the fact that not ALL 'saucers' can be considered friendly. Many give
evidence of hostile actions. There is a wealth of well-documented evidence that
UFO's have been responsible for murders, assaults, burning by direct-ray focus,
radiation sickness, kidnappings, pursuits of automobiles, attacks on homes,
disruption of power sources, paralysis, mysterious cremations, and destructions
of aircraft. Dozens of reputable eye-witnesses claim to have seen alien
personnel loading their space vehicles with specimens from earth, including
animals, soil and rocks, water, and struggling human beings."
Steiger (who also
MENACE, as well as several others) also believed that the entities most often
encountered are not only hostile, as indicated by the above quote, but non-human
and in fact REPTILIAN or SAURIAN in nature. In relation to this, there is the
following statement which was recently made by Steiger in his popular video film
"THE TRUTH ABOUT UFO'S". Steiger has, to some extent (in his video) "changed his
tune" concerning the nature of these reptilian beings - supposing now that they
aren't as evil as he made them out to be in earlier years. However, the facts
just don't support this conclusion, and the only explanation which we can offer
to this change of attitude would be the fact (as mentioned by a number of
sources) that these creatures have the ability to manipulate from a distance the
minds, emotions and spirits of humans through occult-technological or psycho-
supernatural means, and that they would undoubtedly use this power to
de-sensitize humanity to their actual nature.
It may also be that Steiger
succumbed to the pressure of the many New Age "Aquarians" with whom he
interacts, who trust in "channeled" revelations which usually portray the Grays
as benevolent "space- brothers" who are here to help establish a quantum
evolutionary transformation and cosmic initiation into the fourth dimension of
universal New Age god-consciousness, whatever that means. Certainly, if the true
nature of the serpent races were widely known, their operations and even their
very existence might be threatened. There are some who believe that the many
movies, animated programs, etc., which depict reptilian-like 'alien' beings in a
'benevolent' fashion - are de-sensitizing America's young people away from their
natural enmity toward these ancient, though elusive, enemies of mankind.
Steiger, who is considered one of the foremost writers on UFO's and related
subjects, said the following: "In the late 1960's I presented my hypothesis that
the reason why the most frequently reported UFOnauts resemble REPTILIAN or
AMPHIBIAN humanoids may be because that is exactly what they are, highly evolved
members of a serpentine or semi-aquatic species. A provocative theory is that
the dinosaurs didn't really vanish, they 'evolved' into a humanoid creature that
eventually ran it's course, or was destroyed in an Atlantis-type catastrophe
(i.e. such as the Great Deluge. Although Steiger and others may hold to an
'evolutionary' hypothesis, this may not necessarily be the case, especially when
the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and the laws of entropy are brought to bear.
Instead of 'evolving' from a far less complex form, it is in fact far more
likely that the serpent race MUTATED via natural selection, environmental
adaptation, survival of the fittest and most intelligent, and so on, into it's
various known and unknown branches, from a complex single species which
originally inhabited the earth in ancient times. There is a BIG difference
between the scientific fact of LATERAL MUTATION and the Darwinian theory of
"...I had developed this hypothesis
considerably," Steiger continues, "...so I was delighted when I received word
that Dale Russell and Ron Seguen of Canada's 'National Museum of Natural
Sciences' of Ottawa, had fashioned a model of a humanoid dinosaur using
Stenonychosaurus and Equallus as their inspiration. Stenonychosaurus, according
to Russell, had a rather large brain and eyes with over-lapping visual fields.
The 90 pound dinosaur also walked on two legs, and it appears to have had a
particularly OPPOSABLE THUMB on it's three-clawed hand. The result of such
scientific speculation was an astonishingly human-like creature that Russell
terms a 'Dinosauroid'. The creature stands four-and-a-half feet tall, has a
large, domed head, green skin, and yellow reptilian eyes. It should probably
have had ears, Russell conceded, but the effect would have made it appear too
human. As it is, the dinosaur on display at Canada's 'National Museum of Natural
Sciences' almost EXACTLY fits the descriptions of UFOnauts provided by THOUSANDS
of men and women throughout the planet who have reported close encounters..."
his book 'THE UFO ABDUCTORS' (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.), pp 5-6, Steiger
adds: "In the greatest number of alien encounters, the UFOnauts were described
as standing about five feet tall and dressed in one-piece, tight-fitting
jumpsuits. Their skin was gray, or grayish-green, and hairless. Their faces were
dominated by large eyes, VERY OFTEN WITH SNAKELIKE, SLIT PUPILS. They had no
discernible lips, just straight lines for mouths. They seldom were described as
having noses, just little snubs if at all; but usually the witnesses saw only
nostrils nearly flush against the smooth face. Sometimes a percipient mentioned
pointed ears but on many occasions commented on the absence of noticeable ears
annual "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989 confirmed Mr. Steiger's
claims by re-printing a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California
newspaper. The article stated: "Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at
the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that
intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed
the earth (in ancient times). "Russell calls his imaginary creature a
'Dinosauroid' which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a
bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands... "
amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture
that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe -- just
after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts,
then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture
RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the
HOME planet." This is one possibility which was given in the article. According
to certain sources the 'winged serpent' that is emblemed on the 'alien' uniforms
represents another reptilian mutation which is near the very top of the alien or
reptilian hierarchy, entities which have been referred as the pterodactoids, the
mothmen, or the winged draco.
These have allegedly been seen on rare occasions
and have even been the subject of an entire book by UFO researcher John A. Keel.
Further confirmation comes from the 4-part documentary 'DINOSAUR', hosted by
Walter Cronkite. This program also described the possibility that certain groups
of ancient saurians may have developed or mutated into hominoid sauroids. David
Norman, in a review of the series, stated: "...The series finishes with an
unusual flourish. In 1982 Dr. Dale Russel of the Royal Museum of Canada, Ottawa
indulged in a half-serious thought experiment. He had described a small, HIGHLY
PREDATORY, nimble troodont dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous, STENONYCHOSAURUS,
which had AN UNUSUALLY LARGE BRAIN, large stereoscopic eyes, and grasping hands.
He speculated about what might have happened to such dinosaurs if they had not
become extinct. His answer was the 'dinosauroid' - a three-clawed, three-toed,
large-brained, UPRIGHT, and TAILLESS dinosaur."
Norman also described the almost
human-like quality of the hand of one particular saurian branch, the Iquanodon:
"...The flexible fifth finger moves a bit like a human thumb for grasping
objects, while the middle three fingers are capable of little flexure. The
large, stiletto-like thumb spike of Iguanodon would have been a devastating
weapon. The sharp spike, coupled with the strength of the forelimb, could have
punctured the toughest skin." It is possible that if such a highly intelligent
yet (according to many accounts) extremely insidious and predatory 'race' does
in fact exist, then it might NOT have 'mutated' far from it's original form as
it is 'pictured' -- although in a rather obscure fashion -- in the 3rd chapter
of Genesis.
{continued} - Go to Part 2

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